Ever since Tuesday night, Sidney has been "off his feed". He's usually wanting to come after whatever we are eating and is eager for treats, but not lately. On Wednesday he was really lethargic and simply looked miserable. On Thursday his energy seemed a little better and we took a nice long walk. But he's still not interested in eating, even the sliced turkey we bought for training.

He's peeing normally. I've seen him poop once, it was just a little bit but it was not loose. No vomiting. He'll get up and bark if something alerts him.

I understand he might have eaten something that did not agree with him (maybe he visited the litter box...ewww), but how long can I expect this to last before I go from worried to REALLY worried? Is 5 days too long?

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I would be making an appointment with a vet immediately. It could be many things. A corgi that possesses a good appetite and suddenly is not interested in food is a corgi in trouble. Let us know how things work out.
Poor baby Sidney! Let us know how he's doing. I'd go to the vet too, 5 days seems a long time for an eager eater to have lost his appetite. But I do go to the vet at the drop of a hat, I freely admit it.
Poor Sidney, I also think a vet check sounds like a good idea after days of odd behavior.
I think it's time to call your vet or go to the ER since tomorrow is Sunday. 5 days is way too long to wait, corgi or otherwise. Please let us know what's up w/ Sidney.
He's actually eating his dinner right now (steamed rice and chicken) so it looks like he's on his way to normal. It figures he'd wait until I posted about it!
Fantastic!!!! Dogs are like that--> he must be paying you back for something!
Sigh. They always know, right? Just like Bertie's limp miraculously stops as soon as I dial the vet's number.... Glad he's feeling better!
They sure do! He must have known I would have canceled his trip to the corgi meetup at the dog park today if he didn't eat. He was running around like he usually does today, and collapsed into a furry heap the moment we walked in the door. He's a happy boy today!
Glad to hear Sidney is doing better :)


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