Ok, so I was taking part in a thread on another forum about grooming fluffies, and somebody else mentioned leave-in conditioner sprays for horses being used for fluffy corgis. Well, I checked out several brands mentioned, and found a spray form of the Mane n' Tail. I went and bought it from a feed and tack shop nearby and brought it home.

I am IN LOVE! I tried it on Shippo last night, and wow, I thought he was soft BEFORE! Now his fur is SILKY smooth and the brush just goes right through those areas where it tangled before. I'm hooked! I just thought I'd share.

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And Shippo must be happy with all the compliments and petting he must be getting!! : )
I love Mane N' Tail overall...I give baths for my cats using that product and their fur is very silky...I also use it on my hair, since it makes hair grow fast....
I LOVE Main n' tail! I have used it on my horses and myself since I was a teenager. there shampoo and regular conditioners are great. They also have a a product that helps bring the shine out in the hair. GREAT stuff!
Watch out for unintended consequences. If it's made for horses, it's likely not harmful, but horse hair is different and it's being used for a different purpose. What if, say, it makes the fur more wettable or something, impairing its insulation in wet outdoor weather?
I love corgi fur. I have a perfect red fox pelt (roadkill); corgi fur compares quite favorably.
In Shippo's case, being a fluffy, he doesn't have the same type of coat as a regular corgi. I know that with a normal corgi, it's not advised to use any sort of leave-in conditioner that might soften their coat, but for Shippo, it doesn't really matter, because his coat is already soft and wettable. He needed something that would help me keep from breaking his ear feathering and make his coat softer all around. It's been really dry here lately and I think it's affecting his coat (and yes, I'm already supplementing his diet). So yes, I'm only using this on him because he's a fluffy, so his coat is already way off standard LOL.

I know it's safe, because I've been talking with others who already use it on their fluffs, with no ill effects. Mane n' Tail is also well-known for being safe for human use as well.


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