Hi Everyone!
I try to be a regular poster here, but Chopper tends to keep me busy when I get home from work :). I take him to a Doggy Daycare Monday-Friday and we play pretty much all weekend long(when he's not napping and I don't feel like cleaning.). The weather here (IA) is getting pretty hot and it only takes about 20 minutes into our normail hour long long on a bike trail before the poor little guy's tongue is hanging out the side of his mouth. I brush him about 2-4 times a week to try and keep the dead tufts out. Can a corgi be shaved in the summer time to help keep them cool? Will it mess things up with the double coat they have? I need to get him groomed again(he gets a LOT of fur that grows like weeds between his toes). Any suggestions/ideas are greatly appreciated.