So i have had rambo for about a month now and im having alot of trouble house training him i have to take him out like every 2 hours or else he will pee inside did you train your dog and what are some tips u can give me ????

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Puppies should be able to "hold it" for about 1 hour for every month of age. So if Rambo is 4 months, he should be able to go 4 hours.

You'll need to get a good enzymatic deodorizer like Nature's Miracle and thoroughly clean the spots where he has gone inside. Any remaining urine scent will likely make the problem harder to stop. I make my own odor neutralizer cheap with vinegar water and Listerine mouthwash because one of my cats misses the box now and then:

You need to not let him out of your sight when he is loose in the house. Before puppies pee, they'll will show clear behavior that they are about to "do their business". They may start sniffing looking for the right spot to go, or they may suddenly dart off to another room to go. You have to watch for this behavior. Some people find it necessary to put the puppy on a leash and tie it to your belt loop so that he can't get out of your sight.

When you see that he is about to go potty, distract him with a "No!" or shake a soda can with a few pennies in it to make noise and redirect his attention. Immediately pick him up and take him outside. Wait for him to pee, then praise, praise, praise, "Good potty outside!" or whatever phrase you're comfortable with.
Hi Viviana...Charlie has some excellent suggestions. I do differ on the method to redirect his attention by using a can of pennies. Too harsh a redirection can startle a puppy and the fear of the noise can make them start to hide rather than tell you they have to go. But, you are on the right track. I use "Get Serious" to clean accidents. It's a pheromone remover and takes away the smell that draws a pup back to the pee spot. With 7 dogs and 8 cats, it's been a life-saver.

You don't mention using a crate. A crate can be a handy tool in potty training. By crating Rambo and taking him outside every 3-4 hours and then putting him back in the crate, he will begin to see that we only potty outside. Use a command like "outside" when you go through the door. And then add "go potty" or "do your business" and he will learn to go on command. If you have him in the house with you and not in the crate, use his leash to tether him to you. That way, if he starts the circle-sniff, you will recognize it immediately and can take him outside.

I'm a trainer and if you want to talk further, just drop me a message. I'll be glad to help you through!
Hi Viviana, Crate train is the way to go, your corgi will learn to hold longer and not to soil in their area. I will only add "bell training" on top of the list, so that Rambo can find a way to "page" you when he wants to go. If I remember correctly, my dogs finally master potty trainning in 9 months. So don't give up, you're at the half way point :)
I did omit the very important part about the crate, so thanks to moonmystic and Sam for adding that. Charlie never peed in my house, because I took him out about every hour (more often than necessary) initially and had him in his crate when we were inside for the first two weeks. He was able to sleep overnight about 6 hours initially without waking me to take him out, and was sleeping 8 hours within a couple of weeks.

Obviously you can't have Rambo tethered to you 24 hours a day, so went you can't watch him, he needs to be in his crate. A dog will almost never eliminate where they sleep, so the crate will help him to hold it as well as become a place where he feels secure. Once you are absolutely sure he is house trained, you can start testing him for short periods outside the crate, then extend the time. Charlie only sleeps overnight in his crate now, and is reliable uncrated during the day. We do still go out about every two hours, but that is for "play breaks". He doesn't potty everytime we go outside, though he has started marking various backyard "landmarks" as his territory. :)
I would also add that if the crate is for his full grown size, you may need to make it smaller by adding a board halfway towards the back. Coral was much happier once it was more her size, and stopped having accidents in the crate. In addition, Coral LOVES being outside, so she goes outside far more frequently than is necessary to do a little bit of business then play, play, play. Good luck.
well thanks to all of you and i do use an enzymatic deodorizer but he will go even if im with him after he pees he runs or hides because he knows he has done something bad
Oh nooooo . Trouble ! LOL Wish you luck Viviana :) Brynn is still learning at almost 4 months .Never goes in her crate and sleeps 8 hours without needing to go .We take her water away a few hours before bedtime .She did pee on our bed last night !!! Thank goodness for scotch-guard .Wondering how Sam is using the bell ?? I would love to train her with one.
put a wind chime or bell near the sliding door or front door. before you take out your pup, guide his/her paw to the chime and so that it makes a sound then say the command "ring", proceed and open the door and let your pup go potty, repeat that and your pup will automatically "ring" the bell when he/ she needs to go out :) Enjoy!
That is awesome! Definitely be nice to have my dog let me know when she has to go haha.
We had to do this for Gonzo. He would never give us any kind of obvious warning that he had to go out. We had to watch him VERY closely. Eventually he learned that he had to go to the door, so he would get up and rush over to the door but then he'd keep waddling around because if he stopped he'd leave a big pee puddle. This led to trails of pee all over the place, but he was learning!
Anyway, we began using the bell after a friend suggested it. It took weeks for Gonzo to learn (partially our fault, we put it in a bad location) but now it's a life saver, except during dinner, he always rings it just as I'm beginning to eat, lol
Speaking of which, he just rang it.
A tip: Eventually your dog will learn that the bell gets him outside, and might ring it a little more often than necessary. Or all the time. When Gonzo did this, we would only take him out if we knew he hadn't used the bathroom recently.
My last dog did that. I taught him to "knock" (paw one time on the door, and his claws made a "tap") to go out in the backyard. Then he would "knock" once to come back in. Once he learned it, he started "knocking" all the time. He was trying to see if he could train me to get up and open the door on his command. It worked pretty well for awhile. A bell ringing all the time would have driven me crazy. LOL
I feel your pain. Trunks was an every 45 minutes dog until he was about 6 months old. He had very few signs that he needed to go out. I think everyone gave great suggestions. I just wanted to wish you good luck.


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