I miss seeing all the discussions on the main page. I think there were like 10 or 12. now there are only like 5. Makes me think I missed things. Have to go to the discussions page haha! I'm so lazy. I know. But, I miss seeing them there. Just my opinion. And it usually doesn't count for much.

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I miss it too! Everything's definitely now more condensed.
definately poopy.
I also miss them. The member map never loads correctly for me too, so I don't really have a chance to appreciate the content that's there.
Maybe you have to load a flash player or something? I would pm Sam Tsang and see if he knows a solution? I like looking at all the corgis from all over
Us too, we liked seeing tons of discussions on the main page.
me too!!
Done! More discussion it is! Thank you all for voicing your opinion! Next time you can message, Natalie, Geri or me directly :)
Similar thing happened on my ex-favorite hiking website. They used to have all recent trip reports in scrolling windows wherein you could scroll down fast, scanning by eye, reading the trail, date, author, and subject line, sorted anyway you liked. A spreadsheet. Then they switched to a new format with thumbnail photos, the first several lines of each report, and only 10 reports per page at 2-3 sec. to load each page. Too many gew-gaws. It was a tremendous downgrade and I've not used that site since.

There's a lot of duplication here, I think because the earlier discussions are buried. Like, somebody will start a new discussion about "frapping" or "collars" because they couldn't find or didn't notice the earlier ones. If you could see all the discussions in one place, like a spreadsheet, sort it by title, author, subject, tag, whatever, then you might be able to look stuff up more easily.

I don't understand 'tags' or how to use them. Like, if I post a discussion, do I just make up some words that seem to relate to my subject? If I want to look for info about, say, "foot sores", can I search by tags somehow? Would it help if there was some kind of pull-down menu of tags, a standardized list that people could add to?
That's a great idea, let me put that into the staff think tank and see what we can come up with. We're working on re-organization at the moment.

Your understanding of tag is correct, it allows the search engine to locate the post based on your words. We'll get right on it! Keep those ideas coming! Message us and let us know.
Thanks Sam! You're a great admin!
Thanks Sam,I wasn't sure if the other people liked only having a few on the main page. I thought I would try to see what everyone else thought before I asked. I will ask first next time. Thanks. w000000t you guys are AWESOME!
I'd like to see a scrolling text window, no avatars, only the author and title, # of replies, and most recent reply with date.
Have the window sortable by field. A spreadsheet, basically. That way, you can visually screen a lot more discussions all at once. Click on a line to open that discusion. Just keep hitting the "down" arrow to make the titles scroll by, instead of having to find the bottom of the screen and click on the next page icon every to titles. I find the current system most cumbersome.


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