Hello,has any one tried it?Does your dog like it? Zoey is now afraid to have her nails clipped.

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I've heard the pedi paws doesn't work that well. For $25 you can get a cordless 2 speed dremel at Walmart. I like to trim the nail and angle my cuts and cutting slowly instead of snapping it quickly. I find they are so much more tolerant of slow angled cutting. Just be careful of creating heat w/using any form of filing. Have the dremel running while you groom and if they except that then lightly run on the nails til they gain your trust. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get it done in a nice manner and not the best of job but one that won't create a bad experience but teach them this is nothing and do it often..don't wait weeks in between. Good luck.
Thank you for your comment. This is very good advice.Your right, sometimes the right way to go about things is with patience to build trust not about getting the job done quickly.Your dogs are so cute. I really enjoyed your pictures.They must be a ton of intertainment for you.


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