Louis has this habit of hiding his treats around the house, it's not much of a big deal but one time my brother went up to him WHILE he was in the midst of "buring" a treat in the couch and he just turned into adifferent dog! he snarled and showed his teeth, and he seriously looked like a wear wolf! I was so shocked, then when he was done, he was back to happy little lou. he also has this little spot on the carpet where he's constantly scratching at (imagine like he's trying to dig a hole in the carpet) and if you go and touch the place - wear wolf! all over again! same with when he's "digging" into the blanket ...any time when he's "digging" or "burying" something ... does this happen to anyone else?

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Charlie had a food and toy aggression (resource guarding) issue when I brought him home. He'd stiffen up and growl at me if I got close to his food or tried to take a toy. I just did not tolerate it, and ended it in the first 3 days I had him. Of course, he was only 10 weeks old then and I was able say, "Oh no growling!" and pick him up and take the food away, or pick him up and when he dropped the toy, I put the toy away. I also hand fed him for a few days so that he learned that I own the food (and the toys) and just share with him.

You need to stop Louis from baring his teeth, snarling and growling. When he growls and you back off, he wins and learns that his behavior lets him control and own things. That type of behavior can grow to where he wants to own more and more things, and growls at you more. If you feel safe, say "No growling!", take the toy or treat he is burying away from him, and put it away, then don't pay any attention to him for a few minutes or isolate him in another room for time out. Do not do this if you think he will actually bite you. If you don't feel safe taking his "prize" away, try grabbing a better toy or treat and ask him to "Trade". When he redirects his attention to the toy you have, take the one he was burying, give him the "trade" toy, and put the original "prize" toy away. If neither of these things are working for you, you may need to schedule a session with a behaviorist who can come out and show you how to teach him that growling at you is never an option.

This sounds like it may be an isolated problem, not part of a bigger issue of him not respecting you as alpha. However, if he continues to get away with growling, it could fairly quickly turn into a more general problem of him trying to move into the alpha position in rank. Don't let it escalate. At ten months, he is a teenager, so he is testing your house rules to see if you're really the boss.
Again, excellent tips Charlie! The other thing I've done with our pushy pups is to growl back. Most trainers can't stand that, but it sure put Moira and Maddie in their place! Actually, it was quite comical. They looked at me like I had lost my mind and backed off the smart-mouth elvis-lip growling!
This sounds like your boy is most possesive and now is a good time to change the behavior. Dogs should never be allowed to react to a human in their home this way. An easy fix would be to give him these treats only in his crate. While this wont change the behavior it will certainly not allow him to behave this way to people in his environment.
He sounds like a good candidate for NILF or Nothing in Life is Free program. He needs to learn to earn everything that is offered by you as well as give it to you when you ask. Allowing dog to possess this type of behavior is the start of many more behaviors which will be most difficult for you to live with. I would also recommend no couch time unless he is invited but certainly not with treats. I would also make the particular carpet space off limits.
Do know that as dogs gain "authority" of certain areas they will claim more. They have learned just what it takes to control their enviroment and have no problems using it whenever they feel the need. If you have not taken an obedience class I highly suggest you do so. Also do some research on the NILF program. This should help you lots.
Corgis do have a tendacy to being aggressive with what they believe is theirs. With all of our dogs we have worked with them from day one to tolerate human attention when they are eating or playing with toys. This has worked very well. I've always worried that an unsuspecting child would wander by at the wrong time so this was important to me. We still see the food aggression and even some taunting of the other dogs. Our Fergi will eat everything in her bowl down to the last few kibbles and then stand guard. She is just waiting for another dog to take interest in what is hers. This we need to work on. It is funny that Fergie has had to use her little kennel fence while recuperating from a recent injury. She actually took great pride in having a "special territory" that the other dogs couldn't have. Now that she is back to having the run of the place our Lizzie (4 year old) has taken over the kennel area and won't let Fergie back in. It seems the dogs will accept the humans in the house as Alpha, but each corgi still sees themselves as a top dog.
Corgis have a tendency to be aggressive with what they believe is theirs........if they are allowed to. I currently have five in residence and can take food, a bone or toy away at any time without so much as a grumble. It just isnt allowed. I do feed my dogs separately and pick up all food dishes when they are done. I do have a few that would guard if given the opportunity so I just dont give it. Any special and long term tasty treats are given when they are separate..period.
Yes, corgis do love their few and it is a rare few of them that would happily share it with another dog. That is a dog to dog trait that I can live with. The same behavior directed toward a human is not acceptable and never should be. Much of a dogs behavior is based on what we teach them and what we choose to allow in our homes. Most dogs will happily comply when they receive clear, consistent and concise directions from their owners.
so I took you guys advice and things are starting to get a bit better ... hes not so agreesive towards me and lets me take toys away..he does growl a bit, but it's starting to be better =]
I'm glad he seems to be getting better. We have taught Ein to "drop it" and turned it into a game. When we would play with him, we'd tell him to "drop it" while playing with a toy and when he'd drop it we'd praise him and continue playing. He's never been a fetcher, so "drop" a ball means nothing to him, but he loves to play tug of war, so when he would bring us the rope, we'd have him "drop it" for us before we'd pick it up and play tug with him. One he had learned that "drop it" was fun because it meant we were playing with him, it was easy enough to get him to "drop it" when he had something he shouldn't.


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