
Does anyone know of any blue merle breeders in Pennsylvania or Maryland (or even surrounding states)?



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They are hard to come by up near us. I got my Niko from Faeriesteed Kennels in NC. You might want to contact Robin for a puppy. She is really good about getting your dog to you without driving all the way to NC. We actually met her in Virginia at a show. I would definately suggest her.

Our new blue puppy's father is Faeriesteed's Razzle Dazzle Me, so I guess that might mean our dogs are related :). Sorry, just couldn't resist the reply!
Here's a list of Cardi breeders you can look at. Good luck!

Located in PA:
http://www.dragonpatch.org/ *not sure if they breed for blues.
http://www.rhydowen.com/ *breeds for alll colors.
http://www.rhyscwc.com/ *no blues.
http://www.rockyridgecorgis.com/ *no blues.
http://www.angelfire.com/nj2/stephon/index2.html *has blue and black & white pups available now.
http://www.xtaceecwc.com/ *breeds for all colors

Located in MD:
http://www.grangefieldcardigans.com/ *breeds for all colors.

Located in VA:
http://www.woodrosekennel.com/ *has black & white and brindle pups available now.

Located in KY:
Turn-key Cardigans (no website) email: turnkeycardi@aol.com *has blue and black & white pups available now.
I will check with my breeder from OR who I got my blue from. Might try the CWCCA site and then the breeders are listed by regions. cardigancorgis.com
Wow, thanks so much for the information, everyone!
We just got our pup from Cornerstone Cardigans in FL. She has 2 blue brothers and 1 blue sister, and also some black and white brothers and sisters - all 10 weeks old yesterday. I'm not sure which are spoken for, but they are all beautiful. There are some pics on the website and I have some also. She isn't local, but the breeder is wonderful and ships to VA. My brother happened to be flying back from Orlando, so she met him at the airport and he brought Lindy back in the cabin with him.



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