Do any of your pups have tear stains under their eyes? Gracie has always had lines under her eyes. I don't see any tears running down her eyes. I just thought it was discoloration under eyes. What do you use to wipe them off with?

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YES! Sadie has what I call her "cry babies" and it always looks like she has tear stains. We had the vet check when she was getting her shots and she said her eyes were fine, she is just expresive and it was nothing to worry about until it was more then just water and was clumpy or goopy (which hers is not!). I try to wipe hers off, but they are stiff by the time I come around to wiping it off and it never seems to work.
When we brought Tank home he had those gross little tear stains too, I washed under his eyes with a warm wash cloth at least twice a day and with-in a few days they were gone. The only down part is that now he always wants his eyes rubbed lol.
Our Corgis lick each others eyes constantly ... even if they were just growling at each other ... eye cleaning calms things down
You see this often with dogs that have pale or white fur under their eyes, I always see it on white poodles, and my childhood dog "snowball" (an aptly named american eskimo) had these tear stains as well. They have solution at pet stores that supposedly remove these stains. I have never tried them so I can't say whether they work or not, all I know is that they have them.


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