I'm new here so I figured I'd post a little introduction of myself and my little boy, Zen. My family adopted Zen about two months ago. He's a rescue dog and a really funny mix of corgi and who knows what (we think there's some Australian shepherd in there somewhere), with a big dog body and stumpy little corgi legs. I'd never thought much about corgis before we got him, but thanks to Zen, they're quickly becoming one of my favorite kinds of dogs.
Last week we introduced Zen to my nearly 90 year old Grandfather. He loved our old dog, as Spot would sit on the couch with him for hours, and Zen was no different. Pops had only be cuddling Zen on the couch for about five minutes before he started gushing about what a good little dog he was. Not knowing much about dogs, Pops looked up and asked my mom, "What kind of dog did you say he was? A gorki?" We all laughed, but we're starting to think that "gorki" is the perfect description of him.

Anyway, sorry for rambling. I'm just excited to have a place to gush about my baby :).

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Comment by Derek on August 9, 2009 at 4:06pm
I love the name, and your grandfather sounds cool. Welcome and I look forward to more pictures of your little Gorki!
Comment by Nichole Steig on August 9, 2009 at 2:28pm
He does have gorgeous coloring. I've always loved the blue merle coloring, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's some Australian Cattle Dog or something in there.
Comment by Joyce and Mollie on August 9, 2009 at 1:29pm
He looks like a sweetie pie! I laughed about the gorki. My sweet 82 year old aunt calls them Corgees. Enjoy your new family member!
Comment by Bev Levy on August 9, 2009 at 10:44am
Love that face!
Comment by Cindi on August 9, 2009 at 9:39am
He's a handsome guy! Yep, I'm guessing cattle dog in there somewhere. Our Tank is Cardi Corgi/Blue Heeler. They're great, huh?
Comment by Beth on August 8, 2009 at 10:07pm

He's a sort of blue merle, isn't he! Very striking.

I'm looking at the pic and I think I might see a little Australian Cattle Dog (heeler) in him? Can't be sure. How big is he?

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