Steve started sneezing (at least 4-5times each time) couple days ago and I don't know why. Is he sick (he doesn't seem sick)? Is it allergies (he's only been with me for couple weeks)?) e have a vet appointment on Saturday but I'm wondering if I should try to go sooner?

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If he's a pup, and the sneezing is constant, definitely take him to the vet. It could be kennel cough, or an allergy, or some other irritation. Make sure he's not sticking his nose in anything dangerous around the house.

If it's just an occasional burst of sneezes, but there's no mucus flowing, and no runny nose/eyes or other obvious symptoms, then he might just be a little sensitive to something in the house, or he could just be playing around. Sneezing is sometimes a communication behavior. My Corgis will do this kind of goofy sneeze several times when they are playing around and trying to get my attention, or if I'm petting or tickling them. :-)
Sneezing clears the nasal passages of mucus, dirt, irritants, etc. No little doggy fingers to eradicte whats up there,,, I agree, if he seems sick, take him to the vet. Augie sneezes all the time, especially when he is happy, just fed. He does this thing where he goes down head first in the carpet, rubs his face around, and ends up on his back, rubbing back and forth. He usually gets up and sneezes several times after that.
That's so funny... That is exactly what both of mine do. Apparently this is a universal Corgi communication. :-) I think it translates to, "Stomach is full, life is good, let's party...and by the way, do you have any more food?"
My older one routinely sneezes and the worst thing about it is that he usually ends up slamming his nose into the floor a bit. They both sneeze if they've been laying on their backs too long - must be a dust thing.
Same here, our corgis do that too, nose dive, wiggle the back a little, flip back up and sneeze :)
Mine sneeze especially when they've been laying on their backs for a while. But not a whole lot otherwise.
Foxi does the exact same thing!! Its like she has to wipe her nose on the floor first and then sneeze! it is kinda cute and funny!
Thanks everyone for all your input. Steve's probably doing the same thing....nose dive, wiggle, sneeze BUT since he's only 2months old I'll take him to the vet just to make sure (yup, rather be safe than sorry!).
Hi....more than likely it is allergies. Bailey has to get an allergy shot about every three months. Do his eyes run and does he chew or lick his feet as well? Both of these are sure signs of allergies.
Mine will sneeze when they are laying on their backs too long. So if I'm hanging out with them in bed, I'll usually get sneezed on. Not fun, especially when they sneeze in my face. Corgis have no respect. :)
Winster sneezes often but he's never showed any other signs of having a cold or allergies. He likes to sniff EVERYTHING so he probably gets little dust bunnies throwing parties in his nose that he doesn't like. Once he sneezed some big black boogers on me though. That was kinda gross.


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