Hello all,
Thanks for taking the time to read this because I need help with my master’s thesis research project.

The purpose is to assess health and physical activity levels of adults in the U.S. of pet-owners and non-pet owners. It consists of taking an anonymous online survey which is estimated to take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

If you are 18 years or older and currently live in the U.S., you are eligible to participate in the study!

Most importantly, for every completed survey received, $1 will be donated to organizations that benefit animal welfare (up to $400), including the Best Friends Animals Society and the National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA).

For more information about the research and to the online survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=R1iMMu7extUyAQYqT_2bhqmg_3d_3d

Since I need both pet owners and non-pet owners, I ask that you please send the survey link to at least 2-3 friends/family members/neighbors that are not a pet owner, to ensure that both groups are represented in the study.

Thanks so much in advance for your time and I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. I’ll be able post the results of the study in a few months.
(The goal is to graduate in December).

Thanks so much!


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I would love to help and was more then willing to do so til I read that a $1 will be donated to H$U$ who I am completely against for reasons that have been discussed previously and usually end up in heated discussions. I wish you the best of luck on your thesis and studies.
I took the survey. Good luck with your thesis project!
Done! Interesting survey, I would love to read the paper when it's done :)
I filled it out :)
More than happy to help out. Best of luck Cindy!!
Ella helped me fill out the survey, good luck on the report.
Thanks to all who have filled out the survey so far. I noticed a nice boost in responses after I posted the link here.
Please keep them coming and pass along to other dog owners and non-dog owners. Thanks!
Just an FYI, I got permission from my advisor to change my incentive to include other animal rights and welfare charities. Because I'm looking for participants from all over the country (both dog owners and non-dog owners) and dog owners that have other breeds as well, I wanted to pick national organizations that reach all kind of animals all over the country. It has to be an incentive for non-dog owners as well. I know I can't please everyone but I appreciate your opinion. I decided to also include the Best Friends Animals Society (http://www.bestfriends.org). If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.
I filled it out!
Friendly reminder: 1 week left to take the survey. Thanks!
I know an update has been long over due, so here it is.

I presented the results of my research yesterday at a conference at the American College of Sports Medicine.
They even wrote a press release about it - http://www.acsm.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=About_ACSM&TEMPLATE...

And FYI - $250 was donated to NAIA and $250 was donated to Best Friends Animal Society last October.

Thanks again to all who were participants.
The plan is to submit it for publication in the next few weeks.
Google an essay, "Walking the Dog", by some MD. A patient was overweight, hypertensive, borderline congestive heart failure, needed ANY kind of minimal exercise. The doc reasoned that even walking some little dog around the block twice a day might help. He prescribed her a dog, so she got one.
She lived at least another 10-13 years, just loving that little dog, while her husband faithfully walked it around the block twice a day.

The irony with me is, I walk these dogs twice a day, at least 1.5 miles, often more, we play soccer etc., but they've been a huge drain on *my* physical fitness because all the time I used to spend running and working out, I now spend walking the dogs instead, negligible exercise by comparison. I just love to walk, and be outside, and walking the dogs is the perfect excuse to do nothing. It is a problem.


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