My corgi used to put his legs out behind him when he would lay down. after he got neutered he wouldn't do it any more. i saw other corgi's doing the same thing, putting their legs out. So I want to know if its just my corgi!

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All of my corgis have done this. Courtney did it from the day we got her. Trunks, who is neutered, does it everyday. For Pan it is a little different. We can tell when she is just relaxing, because she only puts one leg back. When she is truly exhausted, she'll put both legs back. When she is in the depths of dreamland, all four legs are in the air.

I love it when my pups lay sprawled out like this!
Winston lays like that all the time!! He's doing it right now actually while chewing his Busy Bone :D My parents think it's a riot but I'm so used to it now.

Putting their legs behind them is pretty much a corgi thing. He's probably not putting his legs behind him for now until his "bobo" heals and it no longer hurts. It's probably a little sensitive at the moment.
Kona used to lay with both legs behind her...but now she only puts one leg behind her.
The "Turkey Doggin" Lay is normal for corgis :)

as for after the neutering thing Im not sure.. Maybe if its been just a short while it'll take him some time to get back into it?


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