How can I stop my corgi from pooping on the sidewalk?

About 10 days ago, I became the proud owner of Bailey, a 5 month old red and white corgi. She's crate-trained but not housebroken, although I don't leave her alone in the house long enough for her to have an accident and I take her out often enough to use the bathroom. Still, I don't think she's quite grasped the concept that she has to poop in the grass. There's no problem when I take her out first thing in the morning to her spot.

However, when I take her walking, if she has to go, she'll just stop and poop on the sidewalk. I try to stop her (I'll try to startle her or say NO!) and move her to the grass but haven't been successful so far in stopping this. I don't how to correct this behavior. When she goes on the sidewalk, it tells me that if I leave her alone (outside her crate) in my place, then she'll probably relieve herself on the carpet or tile.

Ack! What can I do and how long will this go on for? Not to mention that it's rather embarrassing when there's people around who see her poop on the sidewalk, followed by me having to pick it up.

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Hee hee! Charlie started doing this out on our walks about a week ago. Before that, he never pooped on walks, always in the backyard. Now he seems to poop on our walk everyday...and on the sidewalk.

I blame myself for the most part. Charlie wants to stop every few feet and sniff everything. I try to keep him moving forward and not allow him to stop. It's that hard tug when he lags behind me and stops, that I turn around and he's pooping on the cement. I think he was actually trying to get on the grass and I didn't let him. I have wondered if his pooping during walks has anything to do with changing his food recently. He still poops as much in the yard, so the poop on our walk is new.

I just carry the plastic sleeve off the newspaper to clean it up. Most of the neighborhood sees me walking Charlie and carrying a little plastic baggie of poop with us! Get over being embarassed...the people who see you are thinking "Now there's a person responsible enough to clean up after their dog!" It's a good thing. : - )
Hey Chris - Brynn does that as well if I don't let her stop , she will go on the pavement .My fault . Brynn always likes to poop on our walks ,and normally she does it in the grass.
Here in Oregon it's the law to pick up your own poop , so i never feel embarrassed doing it .I would feel bad if i didn't ! LOL
that is really funny. My parents live on a dead end road with woods next to our house, so gizmo usually always poops in the woods or along the edge of the road where trees are... However, when he comes to visit me in Brooklyn, NY when I'm at school...its a different story obviously. At first, it was taking him FOREVER to poop, i think because he didnt want to go on the cement. I was able to find a tree growing out of the sidewalk a block or so away that I now take him to and he poops on that one spot....

Except for one time... talk about embarrassing... I was walking him across a verry busy intersection, the walk sign was up but there were cars trying to take turns, gizmo freezes in the middle of the intersection, squats, and proceeds to poop while there is a line of cars beeping and trying to turn and make the light! oh my goodness it was so embarassing, but at the same time kind of funny, i tried pulling him along thinking he'd stop and resume when we got to the side walk, but no...i just ended up pulling him while he continued squatting, leaving a trail of poop across the intersection. i felt so bad for pulling him but hey, he's in Brooklyn, gotta keep movin across the street!
So did you go back with your baggie to scoop it up? LOL Just Kidding! That's a funny story...I can just imagine the scene! : - )
no I did not go back to scoop it up! i walked as far away as quickly as possible! haha and we dont go for long walks anymore until after he does his poop! then we can go walk and enjoy the walk and not have to worry about anymore busy intersection incidents! lol plus i have found a very nice grassy, woodsy trail that runs along the ocean that we walk on now when its not cold out.
In my case, we were right in front of a shuttle route...there were 10 people waiting! There was plenty of grass around but Bailey chose to go right on the driveway across from the bus stop. I said NO, picked her up and took her over to the grass to finish up....when I looked back, there was a trail of poop leading from where I picked her up. Apparently, once she starts, she can't stop. I waited for the bus to come & pick up the people before I cleaned up after her.

Any suggestion on how to stop this?

What does this mean about housebreaking? Since she goes on the cement, does this mean she'll go in the house?
I guess I'm picking my "battles" with Charlie, but I'm not worrying too much about this one. He did go on the grass this morning on our walk instead of the sidewalk, probably because you started this thread and I was thinking about it! : ) I let him stop more, and he mainly sniffed grass. About our third stop, he pooped, but I had let him wander into the grass and stop. My only advice would be to watch Bailey's body language very closely and try to catch him before he starts (and hope there's grass nearby). It would seriously surprise me if there is any cross-over between pooping on cement and housetraining.
If she were older, I wouldn't think more about it but since she's jjust a pup, I don't want her to think the sidewalk is a great place to poop on. I was trying to pay close attention but, wow, she's a quick squatter!
A key to this may be where she was kept prior to you getting her. If she was a kennel dog then probably is familiar with eliminating on concrete. To her this may seem the right place to go. Just keep your bag handy and try to offer many opportunities to use a grassy surface. Remember pups will make mistakes as they learn.
Zed poops on the sidewalk at every opportunity. I think part of it was he was picked up as a stray before we took him home from the pound. He learned somewhere along the way that the sidewalk is better than the grass. The other part of it is he hates getting wet. If the grass is wet in our back yard he'll go on the cement walkway. I've given up on trying to break him of it. I think it's just one of his quirks and I keep lots of baggies handy when we walk.


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