So frustrated! What to do about potty training? She just won't go!

My little corgi is 5 months old, she's crate-trained so she won't go in her crate but I'm having the hardest time getting her to go potty outside. She'll poop/pee in the morning and in the early afternoon but hardly ever in the evening, even after I take her for a walk. She is so stubborn! She'll just sit there and play in the grass or lie down and do nothing. Today, for example, I gave her dinner at around 5:30, took her out an hour later (with no results), took her for walk an hour later (no results), took her out an hour later (no results), took her out an hour later (no results), took her for a final walk, again no results so she is now in her crate for the night. It's pretty frustrating. Also, there'll be times where she'll just pee and won't poop or will poop but won't pee. I feel like yelling at her but I know this is useless and will be damaging rather than helpful.

I feel this is torture for her as well and she's starting to defy/ignore me. When I say Outside, she'll lie down and I'll have to coax her to the door. When we get outside to her spot, she will either just sit there, play with the grass, dig in the dirt, lie down...everything but go potty. I've had to tug her to her area a few times and it's not working out. I don't want her to dread going outside.

Does anyone have any experience with this? How long will this go on? Will she ever catch on? Will she ever go to the door on her own?

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Patience is the key here. You can bet she is most aware of your frustrations when you do this which is probably giving her the response just to lay down. Try to make the outings happy regardless if she eliminates each time. Remember she is a baby and this does take time. Also make sure to use a command when you take her out such as "go potty, get busy" or whatever you wish to use. Make it a pleasant experience. If she is not eliminating in her crate I am really not sure where your frustration lies. Doesnt sound like she is soiling in the house. I often suggest that folks tie their pups to them while in the home. This way you can supervise her, have her spend time with you instead of in the crate and enjoy her company more. Remember consistency and patience will pay you off in spades.
When she goes pee, I say "Go Pee, Go Pee, praise her like crazy, scratch her ears and give her a treat. Then I tell her to "Go Potty, Go Potty"...if she does, again, I praise like crazy, scratch her ears & give her a treat. Does this confuse her?

I try to make the outing pleasant & fun but after the 6th time, it's a bit tiresome and I'm sure she picks up on my frustration. How does everyone else make the outing fun? Maybe I'm not making it as pleasant and fun initially

Thankfully, she's not eliminating in her crate. When I'm home, she stays outside the crate and I'll just watch her like a hawk. I live in an apartment and have blocked off all areas except the kitchen and living room so that I can keep an eye on her ( she likes to sleep on the tile in front of the doorway if she's not in her crate).

It's just amazing how long she can hold it. At least 13 hours from yesterday until 6 a.m. this morning.
Hey Ducky, you're not the only one :) Both my corgis have different schedule. My bigger one only poop in the evening, 2 times during our evening walk. Our younger one poops every time we take her out and she'll do it before the walk get started. So I thought it's okay as long as they don't wake me up in the middle of the night and they never do :)
If you're feeding her twice a day, and she is pooping twice a day, then that sounds pretty normal (even if her "poop schedule" is a bit off). You're supervising her when she's out of the crate and she's not pooping in the crate or apartment. I would still take her out 30 mins to an hour after dinner, but you probably can cut back to every two hours in the evening after that. Sounds like you're doing everything right! : )
maybe you're just really lucky and have a dog that doesnt have to poop and pee constantly! if she goes in the morning and afternoon, and is able to hold it through the night, sounds like she just doesnt have to go in the evening. Aside from play time outside...this is how my corgi's schedule looks....,
6:30 am - poop & pee outside - then breakfast
3:00 pm - poop & pee outside - then lunch
5:30 pm - pee
8:00 pm - pee & sometimes poop
10:30 pm - last pee for the night
So, lots of times mine only goes in the morning and afternoon as well....probably 50% of the time he goes during his 8:00 walk as well. He's been on this same schedule for about 6 years now....well ever since he was trained, obviously he was taken out more often when he was little

Also, he doesn't go to the door or whine or bark at the door to go out unless he reaaaaally has to go bad. otherwise i think he knows we will take him out at his scheduled walk times so he just waits for us to tell him "lets go out!", at which point he gets very excited! funny little thing, since he gets so excited about going out, we started saying to each other, "ok, who wants to take the dog o-u-t?" we dont even say his name, and the smart little bugger caught on and he now knows how to spell the word "out"! lol
When I got Sid & Babs, they were already potty trained, but when I got Cloe, she was only 8 weeks old and I had to start with putting pee pads down for her. . .she would actually follow Sid and Babs to the door, but not be able to hold it and go on the pee pads. . .I guess when they're puppies, their plumbing isn't as strong and they're prone to go when they have to go. She's 7 mths old now and hasn't had an accident inside for a few months now. . .I don't know if having older dogs around and seeing that they run outside to do their business helps or not, but she definitely learns from watching them. . . .
When Triley was just a puppy we had similar problems getting him to go outside (he was much happier peeing in the house, be thankful you don't have that problem). Finally we just took him outside and kept him outside until he finally peed. It was about a 2-hour stand off, but ever since he understands that he doesn't get a treat and doesn't get to go inside until he pees/poops. Worked like a charm!


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