Hello! Well, Kahlua is 15 weeks now, and for the past two to three weeks she has been doing SO well at going to the door when she needs to go potty! She has never gone #2 in the house, but had her fair share of peeing on the carpet for her first few weeks if we didn't watch her carefully.

My question is, this morning i took her outside after breakfast, and she squatted to go #2, and I thought she went. (it was dark still). Then she stopped on her way back in to pee. We went back inside and I was getting ready for work. She was playing in the living room with a piece of ice (it seems to help with her teething), and I was nearby in the bathroom getting ready. I went out to check on her (i usually check on her every two to three minutes unless i can hear her), and she had gone #2!!! It surprised me so much! And I can tell she felt bad. What would have made her do this?? She is so good about going to the door or gently whining when she needs to go. She'll even come find me, bark to get my attention, then run to the door. I just don't know why she went in the house! Has anyone else seen this behavior?? Any suggestions???

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Have you clean up properly and not leave any scent residue in the carpet? I keep 6 bottles of hydrogen peroxide at home at all times. first soak up the urine until it is completely dry, then cover the main area and 2 inches outside of the main area with H/P. For some tough stains, you would want to use a little green machine with heat.

Usually a pup will be totally accident free at the age of 9 months - 1 year. they should be able to hold an extra hour by the month. The recommendation is always keep an eye on her, if you cannot, you'll need to put her in a crate.
If it only happens this time it may be that she was simply distracted by playing with the ice and then she just had an emergency.
As Sam indicated, many pups are not going to be totally reliable until 9 months to 1 year. Between 4 months and 8 months puppies are in what's called the Flight Instinct Stage of development. This stage includes lapses in potting training, testing their independence, and chewing on everything (losing puppy teeth). You can't leave them alone for even 2-3 minutes (as you noticed this morning) without risking an accident or a chewed item. They need to be personally supervised, or on leash, or in a crate during this period.
I am so jealous. My Josey (two days older than Kahlua) does not let me know when she needs to go out. I just have to stay on top of taking her and her brother Jack out very often. I think the two of them keep each other so distracted that they don't even think about having to potty.
Puppies just like small children have very short attention spans. The key is that you "thought" she went when she didnt. Her interaction with the ice cube was just far more important at that time to leave it and ask to go out. With consistency and frequency it appears our pups are housetrained at a very young age. This just isnt so. You have just been vigilent about getting her out at the appropriate times. Sounds like you are doing a great job but do know it is a rare corgi that is remotely consistent before six months and most go backwards for a time between six months and a year. Many think they regressed when in reality they just werent completely housetrained in the first place. Keep doing what you are doing for continued success. Just dont expect too much too soon.
I think what's important to define is your definition of "potty trained". To me, Kahlua knowing that if she has to go potty, she needs to go outside, I consider her potty trained. Of course she is going to have accidents, but that doesn't mean she isn't potty trained. She can't hold it for as long as she will be able to when she's grown, but she still knows that if she potties on the floor, she's going to get in trouble.

If irresponsible pet owners (I actually know people like this) leave their pets at home, for example, over the weekend, and do not have anyone to come and let the dog out, even a dog that's 5 or 6 years old will potty inside. This doesn't mean they're not potty trained, it means they really had to go and no one was there to help them open the door.

So yes, I actually would consider my dog potty trained. But if I leave her at home (in her crate) for 6 hours during the day (I can't do this, I feel too mean if I even thought of trying), it wouldn't surprise me if she pottied.


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