I am wondering if anyone has a pembroke corgi around 12 weeks - My Sadie is 12 weeks and I was wondering what she is suppose to be looking like. Her Father was a pembroke, her mother was a cardigan and she looks more like the father - Help - Thank you


Cathy & Sadie

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Odin is 19 weeks. My default is only like a week old. He looks much older.
Thank you so much Odin is so cute - and I love the colors - Sadie is beautiful she is just going to be a tall corgi I think - daddy was permbroke and momma was cardigan with long legs - Thanks
She does look a lil younger and I don't remember if its a puppy thing but her legs look oddly long for a corgi.
Thank you - Yes she is a corgi her father was pembroke and her mother cardigan with longer legs - it may just be a puppy thing - she is so precious we love her
ah HA! this is exactly why I did this. I took pictures of Pooka every week for a year as she grew up.
I don't get it, you say you got her at Christmas and have picture of her at 11 and 12 weeks. How can she already be 26 weeks? Do you have more recent pictures of her? Her legs make her look like a cat in some of the pictures =)
that's a great photo set btw :)
Sorry Sadie is 12 weeks old - sorry
ah, OK! At 12 weeks, Pooka was just starting to get her adult fur along her spine, otherwise, she was a fluffball like Sadie. Her legs and tail also looked a lot longer than they do now that she is grown up.
It looks like her legs are going to be longer than a Pembroke's when she grows up, since they look like they almost reach her nose when she lies down. I've never seen a Pembroke puppy with legs as long as that. Her body might lengthen a bit as she grows, though. But nonetheless she's sooo cute!
Thank you - yeah she has some long legs but her mother had long legs, daddy had short legs - I think that her legs are stopping their growth and now it is her body that will be changing - yes she is cute but oh does she ever like to test the patience level ha ha - love her anyway she's my baby...


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