What are your corgi names? and their nick names?

My corgis are Mocha and Vienna, we named them after coffee drinks, vienna is actually a blend of turkish coffee :)

Nick names:
harry butt, bunny butt, miss fatty, mocha latte, frappochino, vienna sausage, fat rabbit, double mint twins (when they're together)

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haha, bev. lucy is also ms. pitiful or tristesa. she makes these awful whiny cries waiting for me to open the door to the backyard. she's also baby girl and the best baby in america. LOL.
Alert's Amber Star... because her eye's are Amber.... Pup-pup, baby girl, mommy's baby, Am bam..Her registered name however is after her Dad .... the rest...just match with her when we started calling her Amber. She responded very well, almost immediately.
Our Corgi is named Murphy and we call him Murph, Murphzilla, Murphasaurs, shortie, Murph the Smurf, Mud butt, bunny butt, hammy ('cause he just hams it up whenever he can, camera or not)..I don't think he cares what we call him as long as he's getting attention.
Name: Kipper
Not as original as you might think, I got Kippers name from a website I used to go on when I was younger. It was about Kipper the Corgi.

Nick Names: Kippy, Kip, Baby, Kip-Kip There are more but they come at random times.
Our corgi's name is Riley, and we usually call him Riles, Riley-face, Cutie-cute, Fluffernutter, Wiley Riley, Fuzzy Face, Pooty-Poo and whatever else comes to our head.
"Cougar Bait".
Sometimes I introduce them, when asked, as "Killer" and "Fang".
I try to avoid diminutive or belittling nicknames; there is a sense of humor and familiarity but there is a serious dimension to the relationship, and I think if I speak to them in a straight, dignified manner, it reminds me of my responsibility sometimes.
This is totally anthropomorphic, of course. Just for me really.

Cartoon: vet to owner: "Try not talking to her in that cloying babytalk for awhile, and see if the nausea and vomiting goes away." :)
My corgi is Gryffin Lug. I wanted a true Welsh name so I combed a a few websites for days until that combo jumped off the screen at me. My mom's corgi is Broderick, another Welsh favorite. Gryffin's nicknames include Gryffy and G-Lug.
Hi Carla... I wanted a Welsh name also. Three of my four sets of grandparents immigrated from Wales. My dad's name was Griffith Morgan. We have Gwynn's, Davis's, Thomas's, etc. It is not unusual to find Welsh people with double names, i.e. Morgan Morgans, Griffith Griffiths, David Davis, Thomas Thomas's, etc. I picked Morna's name from a list of Welsh female names. In Welsh, it means "dearly loved".. and she is! The name thing is really interesting to me.
Bucher is bucher roo, bo, booster, and we just picked up Freya (we didn't name her!) but we call her Sally or Sal.
I named JD after John Deere (i love the tractors, i have a john deere kitchen. lol) but some of my friends think its Jack Daniles cause he is black and white.

Spoiled, Puppy dog, Piggy, short stuff, big baby, big ears, snoop, trouble maker, lol, and most of all Mama's boy. as well as a few others
My little one is Gambit, after the X-men and one of my favorite comic characters.

His nicknames are fluffle-butt, fluff-a-luff-a-gus, pooh bear and Gambie-pooh. :3
Our corgi is Bobby, short for Bobby the bulldozer, because if you get in his way he just barges through like a bulldozer


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