I just have a quick question. I am worried about my little Lola and it is 3am here and I am thinking of taking her to the vet in the morning if no one thinks this is normal... Anyways I took her to my fathers house this weekend and she played almost non-stop all weekend. She slept during the night and took a few naps. But now that we are home she has a hard time getting up and she won't let me pick her up. She cries when I try to put my arm under her butt to pick her up. Can her legs be sore from all that playing? Do dogs get cramps? She is walking around fine, just takes her longer to get up out of bed. Maybe I am being an over cautious mommy. I am just worried about my baby. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

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She might have a sprain? A lot of rough play could do that. The vet should check out the movement for ACL damage and that sort of thing. If it's a sprain or a bit of a back problem I've found that a doggie chiropractor can work miracles.

we posted about a month ago about a similar problem.... turned out to be sore muscles and a bit of growing pains. We have made an effort to not allow too much running on the tile and that is when she slides with her back legs splayed out and that is how she was hurting herself. I would go to the vet if she is in pain, but the vet might take a wait and see approach like ours did. we were perscribed doggy asprin and told to wait a week. in a week winnie was as good as new.
Thank you very much for the comments! She seems to be a lot better today! Still a little slow getting up, but no pain when I pick her up. I was massaging her hind legs last night and she enjoyed it. I am going to see if there is a dog chiropractor in my area we can visit! Thanks for the help :)


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