My pups never had much of a problem in house training but now after two months they are revolting. Or atleast one of them is. I think it is Trevor. OMG so frustrating. Some one has been peeing on the little rug in the kitchen(the only room they are allowed in) but then today i let them out as soon as i got home, 2:00 i left them outside for 10 min while i changed (they have electric fence) but then i went out agian with them around 4 and spent 1 hour outside playing with them. I took them back out at 6 seperatly for about 15 min each. after about 30 min, i went in the kitchen and there was pee all over the floor and trevor looked really guilty and sorry. as soon as i went in the kitchen he ran to the crate when i called him out he was really low to the ground liek he thought he was going to get hit, which i dont do. then i let them bot out at 8 again. then again at 9:45. at 10:30 i went in and there was poop all over the floor. this has never happened before and i cant punish them because i dont catch them in the act and i am not certain i know who it is. i heard this happens aroung the 6-9 month age. is this correct? what should i do?

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Yes, between 6-9 months you pups are guranteed to have relapse in potting training. the only thing that have worked for me is establish a schedule, so that they can get used to what time to do business. Also make sure to clean the soiled area well, hydrogen peroxide is your friend, use it generously :) Always crate them when you are not able to supervise them, when they turn 1yo, they'll be fully developed and should be able to hold better.
I agree, crate training is the best. My male scent marked in a room that was "off limits" at 6 months. He is lifting his
leg, hormones kicking in. He has not done it since, I neutralized the spot. I make sure I know where he is it all times.
He is in a large horse trailer every nite with his best friend, a 7 year old Aussie female. He was first in a crate in the
trailer. Then at 5 months, out of the crate, as his bladder control increased. Now he holds it, and his bowels all nite.
I never scolded him, he wants to be a clean dog.
Indeed this is quite common and one of the challenges of having two pups. Typically many feel that they are truly clean in the home long before they truly "get it" I find that most pups learn that outside is the place to eliminate far before they learn how to ask to go outside. That is why a routine is good to establish and they have the opportunity many times per day. Frequent accidents are a sign that you need to become more aware of their elimination times. This is a very normal set back. Just work at establishing a good routine.
wel the whole house is blocked off and they are ONLY allowed in the kitchen. so ya. i will try to block off the area they soil but that is right under the sink, major trafic area and i would be difficult
This is a crazy idea, but I read in a book recently that if you start putting some food on a paper plate on the spot that they had the accident, eventually they will stop using that spot or they won't use it again. I read that you can just put a couple of treats on a paper plate in each spot they had the accident and since they won't soil where they eat, usuallly, then they will discouraged from going on that spot. I don't know that this works, cause I haven't actually tried it myself, but it couldn't hurt to give it a shot.
Or you could just purchase a crate and keep them in that for the time being when you aren't around to watch them.


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