I am wondering how do you keep your corgi smelling acceptable (notice it doesn't have to be good, just NOT rank) during the spring thaw? Our snow is just finally starting to melt and the yard is a spongy mud pit. Penny had a bath two days ago and already reeks to high heavens because of all the stagnant water she can't resist playing in everytime she goes into the yard. I don't want to bathe her too much since it can dry her skin. So is there some trick to keeping your dog decent? Baby wipes aren't cutting it either. Is there a good shampoo you can recommend that lingers longer without making her smell like a fruit salad or breakfast cereal? or are their doggie wipes that can be used at the end of the day to freshen her up? any help is appreciated. A few days ago I picked my daughters up from school and the 5 year old said, "I miss Penny. She is such a stinky dog, stinky dog, stinky dog. I wanna play with our stinky dog." I must find some solution soon as this thaw will be going on for several months before it is dry outside. :-\

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LOL John, you are sooooo funny. Kota just smells like dirt sometimes. We have a back yard that the dogs have pretty much turned to all dirt-no grass... so dirt. I have to change the sheets at least twice a week to keep myself from sleeping in a bed of dirt... So much fun.
What I love about Corgis is that they don't smell like a dog. I have only given my older dog (9 in October) a bath 2 times, both because he rolled in dead fish!. Sometimes feet a little but nothing bad!! I would try brushing really good, that seems to help with the river smell after they swim.
I agree they do not smell like "dog" which is nice! But she still gets that damp icky smell which, if she was a different breed would mean rank and nasty dog smell. So at least it isn't that bad. :)
Here in the UK we can buy wipes that are bigger than baby wipes and designed for rubbing dogs down after they have rolled in something. I had to use them when our dog rolled in poop and it really was too cold to bathe him, and they really worked!!!


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