I always wanted to be a handler for a Show dog.. People ask me to Show Ace but witht he recent comments i have gotten about him from a breeder whole lives in my county she sat there and talked down about him calling him small and just slightly acted like my pup was a horrible piece of Corgi and i was looking at some of the standards and i just want to know if Ace would be disqualifed on the things people have said... and is his Blaze to big?

Honestly to me Ace is perfect in every possible way i can think of and wouldnt trade him for anything =) i was just curious and wanted to know if there were any Handlers that could help me or Owners.. if he isnt qualified to show its fine by me =)

This is My Cutie =)


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thumbs up!
Several years ago I looked into getting a third Corgi for showing. Conformation competition is very important to the breed, it's why we have the dogs we have. But that said, conformation (from my observation) is for a certain type of person utterly dedicated to THAT aspect of the Corgi world and someone with tons of time, determination, thick skin, and to be frank, a fair amount of money to spend for just a few minutes in the show ring. Just learning to groom the dog properly is no easy task.

I hope you and Ace have fun together with agility, rally, or just long walks. That's a reasonable, attainable goal and frankly, as long as Ace is having fun he won't care if he ever wins a ribbon or not. You love Ace, he loves you. You're champions already!
Awe thank you =) that Champion Statement made me smile.. To me Ace is a Winner no matter what anyone else says... He is great with kids, smart.. and just plain perfect to me ^_^
John got this right for sure. I like to watch the dog shows but it is nothing more than a show. It is important to have breed standards to keep the integrity of the breed in place but come on, these shows are nothing more than take turns winning and selling each other champion dogs. I used to show cattle for a living and I don't even watch cattle shows anymore because it is the same way, just more expensive. It is all political and money driven, not who actually has the best animal. Animal shows are for 4-H kids and FFA kids to learn from.
With that being said, the Grand Champion, Best of Show, dog of mine was Corky, with his crooked front legs and crypt orchid and the biggest heart you could stuff inside that Corgi body, he's the one.Joey is show quality to look at but he is happier in his working clothes, biting cows and being a ranch dog. The other three are not show quality for various reasons but they are all champions, I'll even give them the ribbons!! I better try to video the Corgi crew at work, tommorrow we have some cows to work
PS, I forgot to add a comment, Corgis are babe magnets. Before our son joined the Marines and left, he and his buddies liked to take Corky for walks downtown, girls come out of the wood work when they see a cute puppy like that!!!
Corgi's are Magnets in General =) my friends want a Corgi bad now since Ace comes to play lol

I would like to test ace out in the herding category i think he would do wonderful since he attempts to herd our cats -much to their dismay-
It is true that the show-dog world is a very small one (everybody tends to know everybody else), but it's definitely not just us taking turns winning and selling each other dogs. If it were, wow would it be a lot easier!

We have very, very little money to spend; I sweat each and every entry fee and we definitely can't afford a handler. I can't go to Nationals this year because I spent so much money producing this litter (I always end up with less money after a litter than I had before it!).

When I walked in the Cardigan ring for the first time I had a 6-9 puppy who was from thousands of miles away. Nobody knew her, nobody knew me, and it was my first time owner-handling. And we won. And we won the next day, and the next day, and the next day. All told I showed Clue 15 times and she won seven of those times, finishing with four majors. Bronte was shown 14 times (many times I showed them both at the same show) and has eleven points and both her majors. Every bit of that has to do with the dogs, because I still can't handle worth a fig and the judges still don't know me or my dogs.

The breeding world is political - meaning that there are a bunch of alliances and friendships and a lot of the time the people who breed dogs are the ones who couldn't get along with humans. The SHOW world, the ring itself, seems less political the longer time I spend in it. I really do think the overwhelming majority of judges are just looking for the best dog, and they actually love handing it to an unknown (but pretty) puppy or someone they aren't familiar with.

And, ALWAYS, the majority of every litter goes into to pet homes, with maybe one or two ending up with other breeders. And it's very, very unusual for champion dogs to be sold to other show breeders. I'm not saying it never happens, but for most of us our first thought would be "If he's so good, why on earth would you sell him?" Champion dogs who are not good enough to keep in the breeding program are retired as pets. As a show breeder I almost always start with an eight-week-old puppy, same as anybody else.

Most people know that the dog here that I most ardently wish I could clone is our rescue, Ginny. She's a puppy mill dog, a breed mix that never should have happened; she has a deformed mouth and had to have cherry eye surgery and is incredibly unbalanced physically. She's the best dog on earth. I would never breed her, though, because I know her awesomeness is an accident and a blessing, not the result of any planning or will. I breed the dogs who have the highest likelihood of producing puppies who will live a happy and loving life with normal families, which for me means they MUST meet the breed standard as closely as possible. It's certainly not because I don't adore my rescue dogs or want people to value the dogs that don't meet the breed standard. I just don't want people to breed them.
Y'know, "not being able to get along with humans" could be a pretty high endorsement.
The more I get to know people, the better I like my dogs...
I Most Heavily Agree to that one!
Hey man, you should take your dog to a show sometime -- I have this vision of a flea-bitten cowboy corgi in chaps and spurs walkin' bow-legged in amongst these blow-dried coifed pampered pooches who couldn't tell a cow from a kibble, spittin' tobaccy -- them city-slicker bitches would get one whiff of cow dung and new-mown hay, and they'd be all over him... :)
That just brightened my day XD i oddly now see my Little Ace in a Cowboy costume -must invest in said costume now-


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