Hi everyone! We have had our dog Max roughly 2 weeks. He is about 14 weeks old. Since day one if we see catch him going inside we wont smack his butt tell him No and put him outside for a few. But I can not get him to go outside hardly ever. He could be outside for 2 hours and the second I bring him in he is going in the house!! Any suggestions on what I could do to stop this? He dosent seem to like to be outside really. Earlier this morning he has been in and out since he had ate. So after being outside for a while I figured he had done his buisness, but noooo 1 min after being in the house he squatted to go poop and I caught him and whipped him and right now he is outside. Please Help!!

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Please don't hit your puppy. It will only make him afraid of you and destroy the trust you should develop with him so that he becomes a good companion. You wouldn't hit a human infant for soiling its diapers. Your puppy is an infant and needs time and patience to learn the rules.

You'll need to either have a crate or put a baby gate across the kitchen so that he can be confined to a small area when you can't watch him. A small crate is preferable, and will become his den or bedroom. Puppies do not like to soil the area where they sleep.

Every two hours, you need to take the puppy outside and you need to go outside with him. When you see him pee or poop, be happy and tell him "Good potty outside!" or any similar phrase you like. If he does not pee or poop in about 10 minutes, take him back inside, put him in his crate and try again a little later.

When he is inside the house, take him out of his crate for several play sessions every day where you are able to constantly watch him and introduce him to toys, start training sit, down and other basics. If you cannot watch him, put him in his crate. While you are playing with him, he will at some point show signs of needing to potty (circling around and sniffing, or suddenly trying to run out of the room). Calmly pick him up and say "Outside" and take him out. When he pees or poops, congratulate him "Good potty outside!".

Dogs hate to be ignored and separated from their humans. Putting him outside alone does not train him to potty outside. He may just be thinking that you don't like him too much when you socially isolate him alone in the yard.

I can't stress enough that you have to watch a new puppy every second that he is free in the house. If you take your eyes off them, they will very likely have an accident until they learn the outside potty rules. The process can take a week or a couple of months, and he may not be totally reliable for up to 2 years when he's an adult. The more you are aware of his behavior and can get him outside before he potties inside, the faster he will learn.

Meanwhile do anything you can do to build his trust in you and make yourself the most fun, happy and interesting thing in his life. Enroll in a puppy kindergarden class to learn positive training methods which will turn him into the future perfect dog he can be.
Hi Cassie, the only thing that have worked for me is establish a schedule, so that they can get used to what time to do business. Keep a leash on him, make sure he does his business close to the same spot every time, when he's done, praise him.

Make sure to clean the soiled area well, most pups choose to go inside because of the scent left from the urine, if it's not cleaned properly, your dog will go back there and potty, dog's nose is 40 times stronger than a human, clean the are well. Hydrogen peroxide is your friend, use it generously :) always clean the 1-2 inches beyond the original spot to cover your grounds.

Crate training is the only way to go. Always crate them when you are not able to supervise them. Never leave your pup unsupervised, even for 30 seconds, put him back into the crate until you're able to watch him.

Are you using training pads? put them near the door and the outside spot that he goes out to potty, hang a bell on the door knob and ring the bell before you take him out, eventually he'll associate going outside with ringing a bell. So in the future it'll be used as a remote control for you to take him out.

I know that potty training can be frustrating, try not to get angry, vocal or physical because it will not help the pup in any way, stay calm remind yourself that next time you will not to let him out of your sight, pick him up and take him to go out potty on a leash.

Your pup's kidney will be fully developed by 9 months - 1 year, by then they'll be able to hold much better. Relapse is common from now till then, we all went through it, trust me, you're gonna make it :)
I just LOVE that bell idea. We have a big house and it would really help with our eldest girl, Sadie, too

(new training mission...yay!)

I would have to 3rd (or is it 4th?) the idea of the crate. I hated the idea at first but after weeks of following puppy around with the mop and disinfectant... I was ready to try anything! After one week, we already have his elimination schedule to a tee and my house no longer smells like a Fabreezed Kennel!
Right now I keep him in a spare bathroom that is probally thesize of a large crate. I have his bed & food in there. I have tried to take him out on a leash but he hates it.
And I also take him out regulary, but no matter how long we spend outside the second we come back him he goes in the floor.
So I take him back outside and then out him the the bathroom for about 10-15 mins after that and then abck outside. I have afenced in yard so I do not go out with him. I have 2 small children that I cannot leave unattented in the house, so he goes out by himself.
As for me whipping him, its not like I beat him I just give him a little smack on the butt, nothing big. But I do understand what your saying about it possible making him afraid of me so I will not whip him anymore. I didnt think about it in that way.
About how long does it take a puppy generally to be housebroken? I know every dog is different and its mostly about how often and well you work with them.

Thanks for the replies, anymore suggestions would be greatly apprecited.
Hi Cassie, you want to keep him in a space no larger than he can turn around, the reason for that is so that he will not soil his own area and that he will learn to hold. It is not a punishment and it is to teach the pup to love his crate, his area. Most pups will put up a fight with a leash on, but it is in your best interest to establish some house rules for your new addition, so that he knows that nothing is free in life and the reward system works. Corgis are highly motivated by food and they will just do anything to get it, use that to your advantage and establish yourself as the pack leader and your pup will grow to respect you. If you have cable, try and catch caesar millan's Dog whisperer, i think it'll give you a better picture of the pack leader, you can also rent it from blockbuster, netflix or even your local library, check it out :)
It sounds like he is spending a lot of time alone, either in the bathroom or outside. I would get a small crate (24") that you can easily move from room to room. When I got Charlie, I moved his crate to my home office during the day, and moved it to my bedroom at night. We also were able to spend time outside together. Essentially, Charlie has been (and still is) right under my nose all the time. I think that helped to build a stronger bond between us and make Charlie feel included in the family. If you can get a small crate and move him to where you are during the day, I think your training will go faster. I learned Charlie's pee and poop schedule in about two weeks, and was then able to let him out of the crate in my office during the day. He only uses his crate to sleep in at night now (next to my bed), or if I leave for a couple hours to run errands. He sits in my office recliner while I work, in between backyard play breaks and walks.

You mentioned that Max's food and water is in the bathroom. You want to be feeding him 3 meals a day, not giving him free access to food all day long. In general, if he eats 3 times a day, he'll poop 3 times a day. If he eats a little all day, he'll poop a little all day. Giving him specific meal times should help you figure out fairly regular poop times. He should have access to fresh water throughout the day, but you can take his water up about 2 hours before bedtime to help him sleep through the night without needing a midnight pee break.

Hopefully this helps. As Sam said, we've all been through it. It takes some work and commitment, but you'll do fine.
Actually Max is with us all day long. I only put him in the bathroom to eat and to sleep.
The rest of the time he is out and playing with the kids.
I let him outside when I first wake up and then again about 15 mins after he eats. And I leave him out there for about 10-15 mins. As soon as I bring him in thats when he poops or pees..I always catch him in the act because I do watch him like a hawk. And after he attempts to go in the house I put in back outside for another 10 mins. Im not sure if he goes outside cause like I said before my yard is fenced in so I just let him go by himself. And I have 2 kids in the house I have to watch also.
He hasnt been going in the bathroom at night as much as he was before so Im hoping he wont go in the anymore.
Hopefully we will get it soon though!
Thanks so much, I will go out and get a crate hopefully this week. I have never housebroken a dog so I didnt know how hard it would actually be, but I wil continue to work will him. I have heard about the bell on the door a few times. I am going to try this idea.
How often do you guys feed your puppy?
Right now I feed him 2 times a day and sometimes he dosent even eat it all. I feed him at 10 & 5, about 1 cup each serving. I am going to cut it down to 1/2 cup each serving and see if he can eat it all.
Thanks again for the suggestions!
Charlie ate 2 cups a day at Max's age, but in three meals. He was a picky eater though. I'd put 2 cups down in the morning and he ate a little. In 10-15 minutes I picked it up, put it back down mid-afternoon for 10-15 minutes and he'd eat a little more. Then put what was left down early evening and he'd usually eat the rest.

Some Corgis are real "chow hounds" (eat anything) and it would work better to measure 3 equal portions.

Between 5 and 6 months old, Charlie was larger and eating better and I switched him to 2 meals a day.
That sounds about how Max is. He wont eat if anyone is around either. What kind of dog food does everyone use?
Right now I have kibbles & chunks..he seems to like it pretty good.
Putting him outside alone will not help to housetrain him. I would suggest that you bring him out on lead and stay with him until he eliminates. Young pups are not comfortable being alone in such an area right away. They are thinking about finding their human, not about eliminating. I suggest bringing him out on lead, when he eliminates praise him, remove the lead and play a bit. Try to keep a very regular schedule to give him the opportunity to learn what will become his new routine. He has no idea at this time why he is out. It is our job to teach them. That is why we have to be there.
Ditto Charlie. Thanks Charlie, you are thorough and knowledgeable as always. I would add two things. One--if you're dog is not crated, you can put them on a leash and tie the end to your britches. That way if he starts to do the "circle sniff" dance, you can immediately say, "outside" and take him to his potty place. Two--put a jingle bell on the door. As you say, "outside" and go through the door, ring the jingle bell. After a bit, your puppy will learn to go outside he must ring the bell.

I cannot reiterate enough to completely avoid hitting your puppy, putting his nose in the pee, yelling or any other aggressive negative method of correction. You will create a "sneaky pee-er" who will fear telling you when he has to go. And the fear you create in potty training will flow over into his personality and can make him fearful aggressive. You really don't want that. Positive training and reinforcement will give you the best pup with the best personality.


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