About 50 Corgis rescued from Taiwanese puppy mill - (note: contains upsetting but not gruesome pictures)

Hi Corgi friends,

I wanted to write a post about the organization that I volunteer with, and where we rescued our corgi, Rocky from. The group is called Ocean Dog Rescue and works to rescue dogs from Taiwan and find forever homes for them in Vancouver, BC.

The situation for dogs in Taiwan is terrible and very often purebred dogs and dumped after they are no longer "useful" to breeders. This rescue has been operating for about a year and a half and has found homes for almost 200 dogs (2 of which were corgis)..

Anyways... the morning I got an email from one of the other volunteers about a puppy mill that has just been shut down.. it was all small purebred and about 50 of them were corgis. The Taiwanese government is not good with dog policy and if those dogs aren't rescued, they were will go to their government "shelters" and most likely will be put down. I get easily overwhelmed when I think about the magnitude of this problem... but really just have to try to do what we can.

So, in Taiwan we have a few people who house the rescued dogs for us until homes can be found in BC (or nearby areas... Washington ... etc) they are going to try to rescue as many of the dogs as they can and then over the next month or two, the dogs will be given vet care, assessments and when ready and healthy will be posted for adoption.

It is very likely that all the corgis and other dogs won't be able to be rescued.. there just aren't enough rescue resources in Taiwan. But, in a few months, we at Ocean Dog Rescue will hopefully have several healthy (and getting happier) dogs for adoption. If you have any interest, can offer support or foster for these corgis... it will certainly help with the process.

I have attached some of the pictures of the rescued dogs.. (the pictures are upsetting... but not gruesome... the actual puppy mill pictures are gruesome) and several pictures of individual corgis.

Rescuing dogs is a super upsetting, but ultimately very important thing to do... thank you for reading and for your support.

Here is a link to the adoption website (none of the corgis will be posted yet... they were JUST rescued) but as they become cleared for adoption (1-2 months) we will post their stories... if you would like more information - please get in touch!


And a link to our rescue story..


Thanks for reading,

Munira (Rocky's mom)

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Hi Mark,

We went on petfinders.com and searched for corgis in our area. We'd been looking for a corgi for awhile but we were new to the whole process. We didn't learn about the Taiwan puppy mills until we saw the information on Lori's page, which led us to this site. We found St. Anthony's because it was right in our area and they just happen to be the ones involved in the puppymill. This is the website for them
http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/CA305.html . I see that they still have the other dog from Taiwan listed. Her name is Sugar and she's a sweetheart. The adoption process was pretty easy. Arleene came over and checked that our house was secure, and we had a two week trial period to make sure we all got along.

All thanks to everyone that has welcomed us to MyCorgi.com and greetings for Sierra (Lori)

Allen Family
Great photo of Lori and glad you commented on MyCorgi.com. It will help possibly with finding a home in our area for Tank, a male posted on my website and two female corgis (no names yet) also posted. They are in Taiwan and not ready yet to come to either Vancouver or Los Angeles. Lori and Sugar were very well socialized. I do not know about the two females in Taiwan. Based on one of the videos, one of them has "down ears" and the other (like Sugar) has the tips of her ears chewed off (worse then Sugar) either by flies or from being confined with other dogs in those deplorable wire cages (for lack of a better word) at the puppymill in southern Taiwan.

Arleen Rooney
Corgi Rescue/St. Anthony's Canine Rescue
Lomita, Los Anges County, CA
Ocean Dog Rescue only adopts out in the Vancouver area, but in this case Arleen and her rescue were able to foster two of the corgis from Taiwan and complete the adoption process through her rescue. I am not sure if she is able/willing to take on any of the other corgis we have rescued.... but it might be possible? As Allen Family said, Sugar is still available as well as three others who were rescued (I posted pictures a while back). One of them has flown to BC and the other three are still getting healthy in Taiwan.


So they have no problem coming from california to las vegas to make sure everything is set up? That would be amazing to be honest. What exactly did you mean by 'secure'? I just want to make sure that my place can be considered that before I contact them. Also one more question, do they tend to be against apartments because of the non-yard?
Hi Mark,

Arleen Rooney here. I have rescue colleagues in Las Vegas who would do a home check on my behalf and if you are willing to drive to the Los Angeles area to do the adoption process, it is certainly workable. I have adopted a # of dogs (not from Taiwan) to qualified adopters in NV and AZ and all parts of CA so that isn't a problem. The adopters drove down to my area. Currently, I have 3 dogs still in Taiwan posted on my website at http://www.sacred.petfinder.com Check out Tank, a 2 year old male and two females (no names at this point) but I have them posted as Two Female Taiwan Corgis and there are links to photos and videos. Much spiffier photos forthcoming. I am networking with Renee of Ocean Rescue on them and if I have qualified adopters or foster homes for them can take them as I did Lori and Sugar. Lori and Sugar came to LAX mid March. Sugar is with me and is a total love. I do have "some potential adotpers" lined up for her but no one has made a definite commitment yet. I invite you to go to my website above and the home page and complete a pre adopt ap on line. We could get the homecheck done and then see about Sugar or any of the other 3 dogs in Taiwan that will eventually come to either Vancouver or to me. Here are some photos of Sugar and her name fits her to a T.

Arleen Rooney
St. Anthony's Canine Rescue
Lomita, CA
Well the only issue I have is that my residence is changing june 20th so if I complete the form right now for las vegas it won't be accurate until then. My girlfriend would have to fill one out for her house until she moves up here on that date. For some reason I feel that would be slightly deceptive and I don't want to move a dog twice in two months I think that would be slightly mean to make them adapt like that. Once I am moved in you can be sure that the next day I will be filling out that application though :) Tank is gorgeous and i've worked with dogs and kid aggression so it's not a huge deal to me. I obviously don't want to hope that he still be needing adoption by that time but if he is I would gladly snatch him up :) Sugar is a beautiful dog as well and I would definitely like to keep in touch with you over the next two months. Is there anything in particular I should keep an eye out for in making my home secure?
Hi Mark,

I appreciate your honesty and agree it is more appropriate to wait until you are in your new residence. Then you can complete a pre adoption application with the up to date information and we could go from there for a rescue colleague closer to you to do a homecheck. You would have to drive her to adopt the dog.

You might want to go to the homepage of my website and read some of my comments for adopting a corgi. Also go to www.forpaws.org to read about the breed.

I know Sugar will be adopted within the next couple of weeks and if you are planning on having children know that corgis usually are not a good match for small free thruthe toddler stage and age 8 and up is better for children. Personally I prefer 10 and up.

Arleen Rooney
No nooooo children will be around haha I am 20 and no plans to start a human family until I am a few years older at least. I do have an 8yr old and a 6yr old niece and nephew that would visit sporadically but I would always take my dog on a long walk beforehand to calm it down. As stated I have had a couple dogs with aggression issues so I totally understand the line there. I have to drive the rescue colleague to los angeles to adopt one of the dogs? I am not sure I understand but I am sure it is easily explained. I am slightly relieved you are serious about finding forever homes because the spca out here tends to just take the money and give you the animal you wanted not always to the animals favor... Hopefully sugar does find a loving family she really is adorable. Would it be better to fill it out a few days beforehand to get looked over and everything?
Well the hitch is that my minimum adoptive age is 25. I just feel people under 25 are still in a transit mode and hard to determine the future as so young an age. That doesn't mean you couldn't adopt a corgi from another source. As for the spca organization, they are a private shelter and any animal shelter labed with "humane" are the few animal shelters that actually screen adoptive applicants to insure a good fit and often require the whole family and even the other dogs in the family to come and meet the prospective dog for adoption.

I have been through their volunteer program and I love the cleanliness and such that I saw at the one I was at which is why I continue to adopt from them. As for the age thing for my girlfriend and I tend to come from the term 'its not the age its the miles' and we have had rough childhoods growing up which has led us to become stable from an early age but it's perfectly fine for you to hold that belief. I understand it's the norm for people our age to not do things, I can't drink or rent a car yet either haha :)

No problem I would still like to keep in touch with you even if not to adopt a dog from you perhaps in four years. Best wishes to your animals and hopefully we can find what we are looking for elsewhere. I will most definitely keep you updated with pictures once we do adopt.
Hi Mark,

A homecheck is done to make sure the yard is dog proof (secure) and seeig the environment the dog will be living in, meet the adopters of course locally here and if you adopted, would meet you when you came to meet/greet the dog. All dogs are altered, microchipped, wormed up to date on shots and in the case of the Taiwan puppymill dogs totally vetted and pronounced in good health. The adoption process isn't that complicated given the home requirements. Dogs locally are placed on a two week trial period and I do a followup visit. We use a contract and their is an adoption donation. I furnish a permanent ID tag and register the Avid Taiwan Microchip with Avid here in CA in the adopter's name and myself as the alternate contact. That is all covered with the adoption donation plus I provide a no slip collar (preferable to flat collars that dogs so often "slip out of".

Arleen Rooney
Thank you =]


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