1.5 years old...still not house broken. dont know what I am doing wrong...

Maggie is 1.5 years old and she still is having accidents in the house...all though I am beginning to think they are not accidents, she just does not let us know .

She eats once a day, in the early morning, between 7 and 830. She is walked before she eats, then again in the afternoon. We also take her out at night.

Occasionally if we are gone in the afternoon, she may pee in the kitchen, that isn't my worry so much.

My worry, is that she will poop or pee while we are in the house, without giving us any sign.

For example, tonight, just a few moments ago, my boyfriend and I were watching a movie and maggie was sitting on the couch with me. She just got up, went into the kitchen, and pooped.

I yelled, "Maggie, No! No!" but she continued anyways.

Why wouldnt she whine or wimper? bark? go to the door? I dont get it.

I didn.t believe my boyfreind when he said that she does that to him at least once or twice a week, hell be playing a game with friend in the other room and come out and there will be pee on the floor. I thought he was egnoring her, but apparently not.

Please help, last time I checked, and 1.5 yr old dog should not be doing this, I thought they should be able to hold their bladders for 8 hours?

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I also have always asked "Gotta go potty? Gotta go outside?". Do it kind of excitedly, before taking her outside. Then when she goes potty... Praise! Praise! Praise! really excitedly. "Good girl you went potty!!!! Yay!!! You are such a good girl for going potty outside!!!" I never gave cookies, but if she is having a hard time understanding, it would probably help her understand that, if she goes potty outside then she gets a cookie. And I would do it as often as you think of it. Every couple of hours at first, then move it up to 4 if she hasn't gone inside for a few days. Then move it up to 4-6 hours... Good luck and have fun. I also think that any of the products listed above would work great. I would also try the peroxide thing that Sam mentioned. I have never used it, but I will get some bottles and try too... as we have a marker in the house and are currently trying to break him of it.
i will have to try these! thank you!
We crate trained Molly. When she was still having the occasional accidents, we kept her on a leash with us while we were in the living room so we could play with her. That way she was never out of sight. We always got her extra excited to go out by saying "you wanna go out side??" high pitched. We would repeat it until she was bouncing. She potty trained really fast after this and has not had one accident. You have to be really strict with the crate, and it's hard. You want to leave them out at night or durring the day but it's for the best and it's temporary.


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