If anyone has read my profile, you know that I got Haley from a breeder that was going to have her put to sleep because she was "small" and was of no use to her. She tops out at 13 lbs as of last vet check. The vet is astounded because shes like a mini corgi. Ive tried to see if there are mini's as there are in many breeds and I can't really find anything. From what Ive read most corgis are in the 25-35 lb range right?

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I have a large male - not fat large, just large. He is 1/2 a foot taller than most I see around or at the dog park. He is a brick and not a bit of fat on him.....he weighs 32lbs! When he got to 30 I looked at the vet and worried he was overweight. Nope, he said, you have a healthy, strong male and nothing to worry about. So how much they weigh is how much they weigh when they are fit - whatever that number might be!
Yup , my male is at the top of the breed standard too at???35lbs-after lazy winter-- and full 12 ' at withers and @16' from wither to tailbutt
I think I am going to have a mini too. My little girl is 6 months old and only 9 lbs. She is very tiny. I got her from a breed and both her parents were normal. I think all of her brothers and sisters are within the normal range too. I like her just the way she is. Funny because my boy is 2 and 35 lbs so I have a big and little. Like having a puppy forever. Cute.
LOL mine is 8" at the shoulder...her feet are like 1 1/2 inches from body to toe...lolol
if you look at Corgis on puppyfind.com (which i don't necessarily recommend as a buying resource), there are some breeders that advertise "mini corgis." but there are no official, AKC recognized mini corgis. i've never seen any advertised anywhere else, but that could be b/c i'm not looking b/c i'm not in the market for another one...sadly.

but i'll bet your baby is adorable and beautiful anyhow. perhaps the breeder was breeding for show quality (which would have to be standard size)? i'm glad you got her!
wow! Charlie is a little over 3 months and he is already 13.3 points! (just weighed him yesterday at the vet). He might be one of the big boys!
Al faked a sick call to the vet in return for the vet telling us he's underweight at 22.4 lbs. I was amazed; I'd thought he was 25-27 lbs. This means Gwynnie could be under 20 lbs.! I want a second opinion with another scale.
Rations have been increased. Clever fellow, that Al.
Lol my girl has her daily bowl and plenty of snacks she's of appropriate weight considering she's a shorty!
Roslyn is 25 pounds. I believe her weight is all in her fur and her massive ears!
awwww lol shes beautiful! my girls fur is shortish not really short short but not long but ohhh Roslyn is adorable!
My corgi is HUGE! I like to joke he took the weight and height from his youngest sister since she is so tiny. Noodles stands almost 15" tall and he weighs in at a whopping 40 pounds. His vet said he is just a big boy. Now for Noodles younger sister, the last I heard, she weighed in at 18 pounds and she was about half as tall as Noodles. I always get the comment that my dog is fat, but the vet said he is at a good weight. I would like to try and have him lose a couple more pounds, but I'm not sure that is going to happen. That is okay, I love my big boy!
lol awww I love Corgi's


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