Are your Corgi's 'famous'?? Does this ever happen to you? :)

This is more a curiousity question, as I have experienced this seeming 'phenomenom' where people will just have to run up to me and my dogs and ask what kind of dogs they are, or want to tell me all about their friend who had one, or how they love them, etc

Is it just me, or does the general public just have a huge curiousity and fascination about the Corgi?


I see hundreds of dogs, and never (ok, maybe once or twice) have the urge to run up to someone and ask about their dogs... as much as I love animals.

I think it is really neat personally, but just curious what others have experienced with their Corgis. Does this happen to ALL dog owners regardless of breed? I have only ever owned Corgi's personally, so maybe I am just naive?


Some of the things that have happened to me:

A motorcyle stopped in the middle of the road while I was walking Rowdy one day, the biker parked his bike, took off his helmet, and just HAD to say hello to Rowdy. He just couldnt help himself!


I have had cars yell to me and call me over (some have even parked and came over) and ask what type of dogs those are?! And then proceed to tell stories, or look in wonderment at my puppies.


People will slow down when I have Lilo in the front yard and just smile and wave and look at her... or yell out how cute she is.


When I bring Lilo to Petsmart people seem fascinated with her, "Oh look! It's a CORGI!" and all of the workers always want to play with her (granted I know it is their job to be friendly.)


I was walking my dogs past the cadillac dealership and a couple that was at the service center asked if they could come see my dogs for a moment...


I dont see any other breed specific social networking sites.... lol... although I havent really looked! ha ha


So I wanna hear others stories... of their 'famous' corgi's!  :)

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I knew Corgi's were special to me, as I was never really a 'dog person' until I met my first Corgi.
Boy have they changed my life 'furrever'! :)
Oh yes, Stanley draws a lot of attention when we go out. We've had similar experiences. People have asked to take his picture. We had a woman pull her car over when we were walking him and she got out of the car and played with him for a good 20 mins. People stop and tell us stories about their own experiences with corgis. People randomly yell out "Corgi!" around us. It's a lot of fun to own a corgi. My favorite part about it all is the smile that comes across people's faces when they see Stanley.
Awwww, I love the name Stanley! I am picking up a black-headed tri tomorrow... I love that name, as it was my grandfathers name. I have been searching for a name for the new pup, and even have a seperate blog about it.... I may have just found his new name! :)
I was really unprepared for the corgi fascination from other people. After the first couple days of obedience class when we first got Frosty, other people in class started bringing their family members to class with them so they could drag them over to us and say "look, that one, that's the dog I was telling you about!" It was really creepy at first because it happened every class!! Finally after 2-3 weeks, I would just smile and take Frosty over to meet them and tell them about corgis (there are a lot of Pems in our area, but almost zero cardis). I bet that class has more corgis in it over the next couple years! lol!
Oh, and I forget to mention, every time we have service people in our area (i.e. electrical line workers, sewer workers, any construction crew, city workers, etc), they always come up and knock on our door to ask about Frosty because he is usually out in the front yard during the day when it is nice. We have even had people driving down our road stop, back up into our driveway, and come up to the door and ask about him!
Sounds like you had a bunch of 'Corgi Groupies' :)
All the kids in the neighborhood know the pups names but have no idea what mine is lol. I'll be walking them and sometimes I'll hear a little voice yelling Roxi or Charlie. Its so cute espeically the really young ones. "woxie!"

I've had the "my so and so owned a corgi!" or when I'm driving like others - Roxi will poke her head out and you'll just see the person next to our car make faces or smile and wave at her lol. "Hi puppy!"
"my so and so owned a corgi!" .... lol
There needs to be a 'Six degrees of separation' test... just on Corgi owners, or people who knows someone with a Corgi...
That would be an interesting experiment!
I completely understand about people not knowing my name. I'm called Mrs. Noodles or Noodles mom. Everyone remembers Noodles name, but not mine. I have people coming up to me all the time down at the park asking to pet Noodles (and using his name), but I have not a clue who they are. They tell me a friend of theirs told them about Noodles. I've had cars pull up beside me, roll down their windows and ask me what kind of a dog he is and what is his name. I agree also that when anyone sees Noodles, it always puts a smile on their face. How can you not smile when you see a corgi? And yes, I hear stories all the time about people who either had corgis or currently have them. My parents (or Noodles Grammie and Gramps) love to go up to other people who have a corgi and tell them about their grandpuppy, Noodles. Noodles is famous!
Algernon used to turn heads when we would take him to Lake Ontario. The bikers loved him and used to feed him cheese-its. He was a favourite at the vet's and I also used to take him downtown to the art festivals and people would come up to us and say, "that's a corgi!". One little girl who saw him told my dad that "He's just so cute, I could cry."

Rainy has become famous in our neighborhood. She walks over to the neighbors houses and waits to be let in. We have yet to take her anywhere that's too public. I think everyone is right about them just being happy, little dogs, for the most part.
Awww, how cute!
I think they should sell Corgi dog t-shirts that say "Corgi and proud of it!"
My Lilo is definitely a favorite at the vets office and everywhere else, these Corgi's sure do have magnetic personalities....
You know, it's pretty funny when my dad wears the corgi T-shirt I got for him around town. Nothing like a 6 foot 5, 330 pound man wearing a corgi shirt. Muhahahaha! It's even better when he's got the corgi along for the ride.

They certainly do have magnetic personalities. :)


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