I think we should make plans to meet sometime in June.  The only dog park I've been to in Grand Rapids is Hillcrest.  It's not bad there on the small dog side.  Kirby and I used to go there a lot.  Any other ideas.  I was thinking maybe we could do Sunday June 27th. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Here's another place that might be a little more fun. We've never been there before though.
I hear shaggy pines is nice, but it would cost to go there.
Here's the info from the website for visitors:
Visitor Rates
Visitors with dogs are welcome at Shaggy Pines Dog Park on Sunday's from 10a-5p.

Daily Fee For One Dog: $10
Daily Fee For Additional Dogs: $4 each additional dog
Daily Fee For Humans Without Dogs: $2

All first time visitors with dogs must pay a one-time $10.00 processing fee to cover screening, as well as to keep dogs' current records on file. Repeat visitors will then be required to sign a liability waiver sign-in sheet with each subsequent visit.
June 27th may work for us. It depends on whether I have to help my daughter move. I will let you know ASAP.
Hillcrest Dog Park: http://www.grdogpark.com/

Here is the Hillcrest Dog Park Yahoo group. I'm currently the administrator of the group.


Here is another possibility: http://www.lowelldogpark.com/

This is a site that may be helpful when traveling in West Michigan
I would love to join you on June 27th !! Depending on how many people/dogs would someone have a fenced in back yard that would be big enough? then we wouldn't have to worry about fees or other such things...
I just looked at the date...June 27th is a Monday???? I hope you meant Sunday the 26th??   Is this still going to happen? Has a location been decided?
those june 27th discussions are from last year.  unless i missed something, it doesn't look like there is talk of having a meetup this weekend?  I wouldn't mind having a meetup this sunday the 26th, i'll be around to bring my two corgis.  anytime in the afternoon works.
Thanks for the info....as far as this weekend there are two of us (so far) who would like to meet up on sunday. We were just going to meet up at one of our homes (total of three dogs). But if we want to move it to a park or if you do not mind putting all the dogs in a meduim sized fenced in backyard, we could still plan that.


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