We came home from the vet and the pups went out back. Well they were playing and when they come back inside trevor was limping bad. he would cry if we touche it so i soaked him in a hot bath for 15 minutes and i was able to rol him over and carefully look at his foot. there is nothing in it, no cuts, or splinters, but it does look bruised. it isnt swollen but could it be broken? if so is there anything to do about it, if it isnt heeled in a couple of days we will take him to the vet, can we give him a baby asprin?

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Sorry if you just got back from the vet; however, if he has a bone broken in his paw you'll need to take him back as soon as possible. He probably should have an x-ray to be sure. If it's broken they'll want to set it and the sooner they set it. the better for it to heal straight and correctly. At minimum, give your vet a call to see how long you might wait and about the baby aspirin dose.

Ouch! Sorry to hear that! : (
Ouch! Sorry to hear about the boo-boo! I agree that you should probably call the vet to explain the situation, they can probably give you advice as to whether you need to go in or not. I also think it's a good idea to hold off on the aspirin unless he's really hurting- small doses are safe for dogs, but you don't want to mask the pain too much, you want the vet to be able to evaluate where the pain's coming from.

Good luck!
Always best to let your vet diagnose where the pain is coming from. Though there may be nothing visably amiss you are unable to see the bone. Yes, corgis can break a toe. I had a pup many years ago that accomplished this. She wore a protective splint for six weeks. Baby aspirin can help with inflammation but is often very hard on a dogs stomach. I would contact your vet for proper information.
How is he? is he feeling better?


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