hello everyone,

My dear corgi Caju is at the vet right now, and they called us telling she has high cholesterol and is VERY overweight (27.1lbs), and this woman... said she should weight 16-17 lbs.
I have a feeling she is stupidly wrong. I do think she should be between 23-25 lbs. But she does not look overweight at all! And apparently the puppy food (which says is up to a year old and too high in fat is causing this. She's been throwing up a yellow liquid every morning for a week). 

Does anybody here have a female corgi (pembroke) that weights/weighted less than 20 lbs at 1 year old????

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Yes, the pics with the new puppy were taken last week. I'll request to see the vet next time and discuss that. When I look to her from above I can see her waist line well defined. I know it won't hurt her to be leaner. I want her to have a healthy an long life. And hopefully her cholesterol will go down to normal level again.

You're dogs are sooo cute. Aren't corgis the best dogs ever?
I'll take some more pics today.
My 1 year old is 24lbs I think. I've never heard of an adult corgi being under 20lbs. That seems way small.
Oh...sooo cute. She looks very very fit.
Lilly was around 20# at one year old and has stayed about the same at 2. We did notice her getting a little chubbier this winter (could be the undercoat) and decreased her food just a bit. Since she weighed the same at the previous year when she saw the vet in the spring I guess we needed a little cut back. Now in the summer with more playing, walking etc. I give her a little more. I also moake sure that I can feel her ribs (and not just on her side when she is lying down, but when she is standing / sitting)
Hi Cyntia
My one year old female Pembroke weighed 18.2 lbs at the vet for her one year check up. I commented to the vet that she seems small and she agreed that Taffy is "diminutive" My vet treats my breeders Corgis, so she is very familiar with the breed characteristics...If your dog is not small built like mine, there's no way she should weigh 16-17 lbs IMO
Wendy is 18 months old and weighs generally around 28-30lbs. She is very health looking (you can feel the ribs, but not see them), but our vet always tells me she should be closer to 20-23lbs. Her mother was 28lbs and her father was 32lbs. I think some vets are just use to dealing with more "petite" Pembrokes. As for the puppy food - I started changing Wendy's food at about 11 months slowy to adult food - lucky she didnt mind at all. As long as she is healthy and happy you are doing a great job.


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