I just got my corgi last week and I have been trying to start a feeding
schedule but she was not eating when I put her food out for her. I took
it as she was getting used to her new home. I noticed the past couple
days she has been consuming more food now so I am not worried about her
not eating, but I want to know how long do I leave the bowl sit out
for?  Also, how much food do I give her? She is 15 weeks and weighs 9.4

She usually takes one piece at a time to the carpet and eats her food. Should I baby gate her in so she eats more or just allow her to take one piece at a time to the carpet to eat? I think
having the set schedule will help with the potty issues that I have
been having. She has been going in the same area. Partly my fault
because I need to watch her when she wonders away from me.

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Dex didnt eat as a puppy either. I still have problems getting him to eat. You may consider doing a raw diet, or canned food with the kibble, it helps. You will also notice that as she hits growth spurts she will eat more then normall. I free fed Dex as a puppy and around about 6-8 months he went through 30 pounds of food. A set schedule will not only help her but you as well, cause about 30 min after she eats, you will need to take her outside. Ypu may also try feeding her in her crate. cause then she can't wander around to much.
We got Harley at 11 weeks and he has always been a hearty eater. We have always fed him in his crate, mostly because we crate trained him. We used to close the door on him until he was done, but after a few months we would leave the door open. Even now at a year old, he will only eat in his crate.

As far as how much to feed, follow the chart on your food bag. You should be feeding a puppy formula, and keep your girl on it until she is a year old. Feed based on her age and weight. It is best to feed 3 times a day for the first few months and then switch to two times. Harley would only eat twice a day, he didn't seem to want to eat 3 times. Leave the bowl out for 10 minutes. If she hasn't begun to eat, pick it up. If she takes a few bites, I would start to time between bites. If she goes more than 10, pick the bowl up. If you aren't diligent with this, she will think she can eat whenever she wants and it will only become harder as she gets older to make a set eating schedule.
Here is a good article on this. Puppy food and here is a good overall that has a section on it. overall

Be careful when following teh charts on the bag though. A lot of times they can lead to over feeding. The article says your puppy will leave some food behind if it is to much but that isn;t always true. Especially with corgis who are ALWAYS convinced they are hungry. Check the recommendation, and then check with your vet also. They will be able to tell if you are feeding to much or not enough. Remember, small breeds reach full growth a lot quicker than large breeds. Keeping them on puppy food too long can lead to hip dysplasia and other joint issues. Again, the best thing you can do is check with your vet.

As for the one kibble at a time on the carpet, Ella does teh same thing. Its a personality quirk and nothing to worry about. As long as she is eating let her do it. Until she is potty trained stick to 10-15 minutes to eat though.
You can leave out your bowl for 15 minutes. Puppies eat more than adults, so you can split the whole day's worth to 2-3 meals. Depending on what food, your portion will vary.

If I was in your situation, I would baby gate her so that she is not distracted. Some people don't mind their dogs play with food, you'll need to make a decision to see if that behaviour fits your lifestyle.

Accident in the house is NEVER the dogs fault, check out the suggestions here and read the faq for more info. Good luck!
She may be a self feeder kind of puppy. We had a dog like that she ate tiny bits at a time when she wanted it I gave her dry food so she could go back and forth. She was never over weight. Now Gwenie would eat until she was a 500 pound corgi. I think thats her dream! She is just a baby don't worry to much.


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