I have decided to move to be closer to my workplace. Currently I have a two bedroom house all to myself with a huge backyard. Monty has run of the place! I am looking at moving into a townhouse with another roommate who owns a dog already. Monty is well socialized and goes to daycare three times a week currently. He never has issues with other dogs EXCEPT when another dog approaches me. He can get pretty aggressive (no harm but definitely snarling and sometimes lunging) He especially does it if I am sitting down and another dog approaches. Now this usually happens when I go to the daycare (which is open concept) and is a little chaotic or when our crazy neighbor dog speeds toward me and knocks me down. Usually if it is a calm atmosphere it doesn't happen. 

Do you think it is a good idea to even try and introduce him to this type of living situation? Can I train him to be less possessive of me in these situations? Any other tips?

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I'm going to avoid discussing how to get him to be less possessive of you, as I don't have much experience in that area, but I do live in a townhouse. We don't have a backyard at all, but Rufus has adapted well. You obviously have to be a bit more organized with bathroom breaks. I try to keep track of time and make sure I take him out every 3 to 4 hours or so, although he can certainly go longer. I just like to be sure I don't make him wait. He hangs out with us primarily, and likes to be out on our balcomy at times to keep an eye on the street. I take him to the dog park on weekends, so he can bond a little more with grass, and he goes to doggy daycare twice a week. We try to walk him twice a day when the weather is nice, and I love early morning walks with him before work. In some ways I think it's better for dogs, as there's no way to let them hang out alone in the backyard. They always get to be with their "pack".
Thank you Betts. I think he would be ok with the change in housing I am just worried about him sharing space with another dog. There are lots of trails in the area for good walks too which is nice.
Hi Team Monty! Whenever I bring a foster home, this is the procedure that I follow. It should be the same concept :)

Before meeting the other dog, I walk my own pack 45 minutes first at a park near my house, roughly 1-2 miles away. Make sure your pack gets to drink water. When the new guy arrive with his owner, both of the pack walk side by side together around the park. No sniffing, no greeting, just focusing on the walk itself. Have some water when the walk is over. once rested, proceed to walk together back to the new home from the park.

When you arrive to the new home, walk the dogs around the perimeter outside, let them sniff and figure out where is the best spot for toilet. Once no.1 & 2 are taken care of, proceed to go in with your leash on, introduce every single room to your pack, let them sniff and explore, correct immediately when you notice leg lifting. After the house tour is done, you may let your pack loose leash, supervise him closely.

Always feed them far apart and separately, do not put the food bowl near his or your own's dog bowl. Always treat them far apart. Have a meeting with all the housemate, make sure they all know the dog schedules, that way, no one will be over fed or medicated. Hope that helps :)
Wow thanks Sam, that is exactly what I am looking for!
I did all of the above....is Wally just being a douche and hazing Oliver...?
it takes about a month for the new pack to get used to each other, amp up the on leash outdoor walk to 45 mins daily, that should do it :)
Sunday will be three weeks...Daily group walk is a hour....remaining patient...Thanks Sam!


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