My corgi Charlie has been having some troubles eating, I don't think it's because he doesn't have any appetite I think he's just scared to start eating because he thinks I'm going to take his food away!

I've had some problems with him by being food possessive (I've talked with my vet and he says it's maybe due to the fact that he had to fight for his food with his 10 brothers and sisters). I've hand fed him and put my hand in his food while he ate but after a while I thought that it was my fault because I was constantly hovering around him!

For a while after hand feeding him, everything was normal, I put the food down and he ate normally especially at the time when I was switching his food from nutromax to blue buffalo. But recently, when I put the food down, he seems as if he is on edge! When he doesn't eat and I go to pet him, he growls and shows his teeth, but never to the point where he bites.

I might be going crazy but I just want him to know that I am not going to take his food and he can be comfortable. I understand that he just wants to be alone but if I leave him alone, he won't eat!

He is 7 months now and my first dog. I just want him to be happy and healthy. Thank you to all of your replies in advance!

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I did do it but he still won't eat it! Do you think he just does not like it and I should I change his food?
First off as in the Picky Eater discussion going on, dogs aren't fussy eaters unless we create them. I suggest that you head over there and take a look some of the suggestions. Don't continue to change food unless it's an issue of the food not agreeing with him or he's sick etc.
A pup having to fight for his food with 10 siblings? Doubt that caused it in the first place unless they were all being fed in a small pan and not enough food for them all. I have 12, 7 week old cardis right now. They get fed in a multiple bowls and some just choose to wait till the piggies are done then go in and eat. I don't have food possesiveness and can reach in at any point, pick up some food out of the bowl, remove a pup or the whole pan of food. Yes they complain at that point, but I put it back down and they chow right in.
Yes you do have to make the dog realize that you are in charge of the resources but not just food. You control the furniture, when they go out or where they sleep. If it's not approved by you then it doesn't happen. Are you having issues in other areas also? I think what is happening is that yes he is concerned that you are going to take his food away. But he is also pushing back to see how far he can go with you. So yes in some effect he is food possesive but not because of his siblings, but you.
Start by giving him a bowl with a few kibbles in it. Turn and leave and let him eat them. Come back and praise him when it's empty. Don't hover over him. Then reach down and give him a few more kibbles in his bowl. Walk away. Repeat. Then next time pick up his bowl, put a few kibbles in it and set it on the counter, walk away, call him, praise him then walk back, set the bowl down and tell him okay eat and walk away. Does this make sense? He has to be comfortable in allowing you near his food but you also need to respect his need to space when he eats. I also suggest as others have said, maybe it's time to feed him in his crate?
Wow thank you so much for all of this! The only weird thing about him is when I put the food down I can tell he is in a different mood. He doesn't growl so much anymore and he is fine sometimes when I put my hand in him food but hen i accidentally touch him he get angry but never to the point of biting. I will definitely try feeding him the way you explained it because I do understand the way you explained it.
I only ask if i change his food because when I give it permission to eat, he smells the food and walks away.
Also, I will look though the Picky eater discussion.


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