Hi everyone,
I haven't had a chance to be here in awhile. I've been working 7 days a week. Get's to be rough, but it pays the bills...LOL.
Ok, my question is: My corgi, Foxy, is 9 months old. She is licking herself alot. I am wondering if it is her time for heat? She isn't dropping fluids on the floor. I am not into female dog anatomy so I can't tell. It looks like where she pees from is all swollen. I'm not too concerned, I just want to make sure she doesn't get pregnant. I don't think she would hold up if she did get that way. She's a runt. She only weighs 10 pounds, 10" Tall and 20" long

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It is probably time for her first heat. Since she's so small, are you waiting for any particular reason to have her spayed?
No, We didn't get her until she was about 5 or 6 mos. old. My son actually owned her. His mother and I kept telling him to get the dog it's shots and have her fixed. He ignored us. He came home one day after being gone for a week and told us he was moving out. I told him fine, and I wished him all the best, but I wouldn't let him take the little dog. I told him when he brought the dog home, it had the runs from not being fed properly. It was peeing all over the house because he had not trained it, Heck the dog didn't even know it's own name, but he found it convenient enough to dump this helpless critter on ol' mom and dad to take care of. This dog wants to be good. You can see it in her eyes how ashamed she is when she has an accident. So when Feburary rolled around and the son had been gone for a couple of weeks, and still hadn't taken care of the dog, I told mom to get the dog it's shots and whatever else it needed. So now the vet has put her on some kind of puppy program. She has to have a certain number of shots before being spayed. (least that's what the vet says). I always heard that the dogs stand less chance of having female problems and cancer if you let them go through a cycle or two before spaying. It's probably all BS, but I figure it won't hurt to wait awhile either way. She never runs around loose outside, I always have her on a leash when we go out. Ok, my fingers are officially tired. I haven't typed this much in two months...LOL. Oh and pictures are coming...Just as soon as my wife gives them to me.
While others have given great advise that I can't really add too :)

I just want to add that she is a lucky little girl to have a family take her in after it sounds like a hard childhood. I'm sure she already is and will repay you for years to come for having such big hearts.

Welcome to the Corgi World :)
Indeed it does sound as if she is coming into season. While she should have her shots I do not think this is sufficient reason for any vet not to agree to spay her. As a general rule it is best to spay them before their first season to decrease the chances of mammary tumors later on. While females are intact they also run the risk of pyometra which is an infection in the utereus and can be lethal. We recently got a female in our rescue program who was at deaths door because of her owner not noticing she was ill.
It is not unusual for females to become grumpy and a bit difficult to live with when go through their hormonal changes. They can also be quite messy. Lastly it takes lots of supervision to keep them from getting bred. A female in standing season can attract dogs from a long distance. I would take great care to exercise her in an area safe from other dogs.
You may do yourself well to have her examined by a vet, start her vaccinations and follow through with a spay as soon as possible. A dog this young and this small could face many complications should she get bred.
Yup, sounds like the first heat, it's in your best interest to get her fix ASAP, it doesn't matter if she is on the leash with you, all in takes it's a male running loose :) Trust me, when it's ON, it's ON. you won't be able to separate them :)
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support and advice. As promised I have pictures to post. I am assuming the go in the Photo area. So that is where I will post them. Thanks again.


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