Hi all,
Our 13 month old cardi, Ripley, has had a limp in her right hind leg for quite some time. We've taken her to the vet to check for nail injuries and to check out the rest of the leg and hip as well. Our vet couldn't see a nail or foot injury and said her leg felt fine. Our breeder has said that because the limp seems to randomly come and go that she might just sprain easily or possibly have a bone spur.
We have tried regular gentle cleanings of her nails and paw pads, keeping a close eye on the length of the nails on that foot, doggy massage, and tried keeping her off her feet for a day or two when her limp seems especially bad. Nothing seems to be the solution.
Our other cardi is going in for her shots tomorrow and we have asked the vet to take another look at Ripley. We were wondering if any of you had had similar problems with your corgis, and what, specifically, we should ask the vet to look for.
Thanks in advance,
-Jo and Ken