URGENT! Corgi propaganda! Vote for Al. WTA photo contest!

URGENT!  Washington Trails Association Photo Contest, "Offbeat Outdoors" category.  Go to this Facebook page and vote for Al.
There is a sirius possibility that Al could get outvoted by a photo of a slime mold (not making this up)!   Corgidom would never live down the shame!  Vote early!  Vote often!
Al promises:  if he is elected, all of his supporters will get a puppy!*


*sooner or later.  Some restrictions may apply.  Offer void where prohibited.

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Al is barely keeping the Slime Menace at bay, 95-72, Wed. PM. The fate of the Free World hanging precariously in the balance, Al mans -- or rather, dogs -- the ramparts of Freedom.
Oddly, I've recently read that the 1950's camp sci-fi movie "The Blob" was an anticommunist allegory (Blob = Red Menace, not making this up) bankrolled by some right-wing financier. Not 60 years later, our freedoms are again imperiled by a colonial microbe.
Here in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, a huge bronze of Lenin (originally from Leningrad? they were tired of him) graces a square, and inspired a favorite neighborhood microbrew, Red Menace. Good beer, keep it away from the dogs.
John, I really need to come visit Fremont. I love discovering interesting microbreweries. I'm lucky here in San Diego we have new microbrews popping up regularly. Mmmm!

I wonder, is the trails association going to wonder how their number of people has spiked, and how they are from all over the country? We'll have them scratching their heads!
I don't think a crooked election is gonna raise anybody's eyebrows.... ;)
Wed update*

Al 101 vs Slime 82

Keep those "likes" coming!!!
The Mold Lobby must be strong in the Pacific Northwest -- it's so damp, y'know.
Since Sophie-dog and I each have our own facebook pages - we were able to both vote - and I posted it on my FB - hoping we can get Al that win he deserves!
Say, how long are the polls open?
i voted for u:)
Al MUST beat the slime!! Al rocks
Al got my vote!
Wed PM: it's 115 to 102! I can't bear the suspense!
Can anybody hack into Facebook and rig the vote counting?
heh, I just forced my husband and kids to "like" the WTA group and then like Al's photo. 4 more votes...yay!


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