Between the 5 weeks when I first got Theo and our second vet visit, the wax in Theo's ears just grew a life of its own and was all over his ears. They smelled dirty and unpleasant, so when I met with the vet I asked him about it right away. I said I wasn't sure how often I was supposed to clean his ear and how. He said that if everything is going right, I shouldn't need to clean them at all.

The vet, after examining his ear canal, said there was no infection (phew!), cleaned out his ears for me, and gave me some drops to use twice a day to break up the rest of the wax in his ear canal. His ears are finally back to normal (though they still smell from the drops), and I hope he stays that way.

Has this happened with anyone else's Corgi? Or is my guy just a waxy boy? I was wondering if it's because I feed him a natural diet and maybe I've been feeding him too much oil or something.

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Sorry to hear about Theo's waxy ears! I don't clean Bryson's ears routinely either, only try to dry them when he's been in the water. Our groomer does a pretty good job cleaning them out (he goes about every 3-4 weeks).

I'd say don't be too worry about it, if the vet says it's not an infection or something like that. But I know, I'd freak out too, with the wax and the green wee wee discharge and all the fun stuff!
my pups did when i first got them and they also had ear mites. i do not know if the was was from the earmites or a different story. but if our eardrops are the same they did have a funny smell. i would have to seperate the pups after i use thembecause they aparently liked the taste of it. oh well it worked
Roxi had dirt-wax encrusted ears when we first got her since they let them play in a pen outside. So we took a few times to clean them all out (those dang folds!). But now we just do a quick swab with a q-tip in the outer-inner ear when we bathe her and thats just it. Im sure it would be fine if we just let them be but i think its just habit now lol
Well I noticed this weekend that now Theo has a tiny bit of ear gunk building up again, but this time it's a normal yellowy earwax color, rather than the dark brown it was before. I started giving him the ear drops again, just to break anything up in there. But I'm guessing this is the normal wax that you clean out when you bath him.
Triley had dirty ears when we first got him and he quickly got an ear infection (they said it was a yeast infection, probably because water got in his ears when we were bathing him). I think they gave us some drops to clear up the infection. Since then we make sure to wash his ears once a month or so. We got some standard ear cleaner at the vet that smells like babypowder, which is kind of cute. He does get some build up occasionally - our vet said it was normal and to just use the cleaner if it starts to get bad. Good luck!
Wow, if Theo develops allergies I'm taking him off kibble!

Does Dash get the dark brown wax or the lighter yellow wax? The lighter yellow wax doesn't seem to be piling up as much...or maybe I just can't see it as well! :p
My Basil was prone to a bit of wax build up. If he started scratching I would clean his ears out with a solution the vet gave me. None of my other Corgis seem to have a problem and I have a fool proof ear cleaner now. The Corgi Wannabee is always cleaning out Corgi ears. Used to gross me out, but, hey...she does a great job and we have spotless ears in our house.
My old rescue boy Zen came to me with a history of chronic ear infections. They were both bacterial and yeast active. While he still seems to produce the dark waxy build up I use an ear cleaner twice weekly which keeps the ph level good so yeast will not grow. The product I use is made by DermaPet and is called MalAcetic Otic. The first bottle I got from my vet but have since ordered it on line. He has not had an infection in a year.
this happened with my new corgi puppy too... it resolved on it's own. but the vet said a good solution to use to clean the ears is equal parts rubbing alcohol and white vinegar. the vinegar will make the ear smell good (like salad dressing, my vet said :) taking away that yucky smell and the alcohol acts as a drying agent so your pup won't have fluid in his ears. she gave me a syringe without a needle to do this with and I just quickly squirted the alcohol/vinegar mix in his ear and then used a very thin, clean cloth (like a washcloth or rag) to gently wipe out the gunk. thanksfully, i've only had to do it once, as my puppy is now 6 months and this ear gunk thing seems to have resolved on it's own.


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