What kind of treats have you been giving your pups (both dog and human food types)? I know raisins, grapes, and chocolate is a no-no but what is OK to give them? Steve loves carrots and I'm thinking of trying apples next but is this OK for puppies? Steve likes to play with lemons and oranges that fall on the ground but are citrus OK? I'm hearing conflicting opinions and I don't want to give Steve anything he shouldn't be eating so your input is appreciated!
Switching the types of treats I give Steve is helping to keep him stimulated and wanting to learn new tricks.....

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Caruso LOVES carrots (raw only).... Millie LOVES snow peas....... the vet says vegetables are OK (within their daily calorie allowances). Who knows what goes on in the minds of corgis ? Anything is edible; if they find something that isn't edible, they try to trade it for something that is. :-)
I started putting Charlie's kibble (Canidae) in a ziploc and carry it in a fanny pack around my waist. When he thinks he's "starving" in the morning we get a good workout with retrieving and obedience training with just his kibble handfed. Then he gets a small breakfast. Through the day we work several more training/play sessions and walk. Whatever kibble is left mid-evening is his dinner.

Outside of his kibble, I keep packages of frozen chicken thighs, boil the whole package, dice them up and refreeze in little packets about 2 tablespoons each. These are the "special" extra-yummies if we're walking or training in unfamiliar areas with lots of distractions.

He gets a Kong stuffed with his kibble mixed with a little peanut buter to make it stick together a few times a week.

If I'm cooking veggies, he can have a little bit raw or frozen before I add any salt or seasonings. (Absolutely no onions, garlic, chives, avocado, olives or mushrooms!!!)

Citrus fruits are toxic in large quantities, but Steve is unlikely to eat enough oranges or lemons to poison him. Most fruits are ok, but I would pit them as most fruit seeds and stems are toxic.

Treats should not be more than 10% of the dog's diet. My motto with human foods is "If in doubt, leave it out. Don't give him anything you're not sure about." I know Charlie is not going to starve to death if I don't give him something off my plate. He eats a lot healthier than I do. LOL
Apples are fine. Mine takes papaya, mango, bananas, yoghurt, pumpkin, steamed cabbage. Besides those food mentioned that's a no-no, garlic, onions, macadamia nuts, caffeine are a no-no too. It would be good to invest in some books on dogs. I get my knowledge about puppies/dogs from the: internet, books on dogs, talking to petshop owners and people who owns dogs. Treats should be kept to a minimum. Just as we would not want our children to over feed on snacks. I feed mine holistic dog kibble too on a daily basis. Dinner is dog kibble + one of the above-mentioned foods. Occassionally, I feed him boneless fish. His kibble is lamb. Chicken, pork and beef is only once in a blue moon. Breakfast is oatmeal + 1/2 teaspoon of honey. Corgis tend to gain weight easily so do monitor his weight. Overweight Corgis can have many health problems. P.s, please remove all seeds from fruit and vegetables.
i believe peanuts are also on the no no list. Gizmo looooves raw carrots. He will sit by the refrigerator crying at the door whenever he gets the appetite for a carrot. He usually doesn't beg too bad at dinner, we eat in the living room on the coffee table in front of the tv, and he usually just sits next to one of us very patiently. Every once in in a while if we are eating fish and I have a slice of lemon on my plate, if he starts to beg, i hold the lemon down for him and he runs over and licks it without even knowing what it is....of course after he gets a taste of what he just licked he isn't too happy and doenst beg for the rest of dinner! lol Ok, short funny little food story... I'm from Massachusetts, my grandfather lives out in Montana, whenever he comes to visit, the priority is to get seafood. clams, lobster, whatever...because he cant get good seafood in montana. His last day visiting us last year, he was eating a lobster. Gizmo was begging, there was 1 bite left, we told him not to give it to him, but he gave his last bite to gizmo. Gizmo had it in his mouth, gave it a chew, and spit it out! my grandfather was so mad, but it was soooo funny. That is one thing we've found that gizmo does not like!
So no surf 'n turf for Gizmo. Or at least no surf huh? That's a cute story. : - )

Oh, and peanuts are ok (think about all the peanut butter lots of us treat). Macadamia nuts are on the no no list.
yea I know tons of treats have peanut butter, but for some reason I thought i remember hearing something about raw peanuts....something about some kind of natural fungus or somethin that can be in the peanut shells? i'll do some research....it wasnt necessarily the peanuts that was bad, it was whatever it is that can grow in the peanut shell i think
You may be right about the raw peanuts versus roasted. Not something I would ever have in the house. I buy the dry roasted peanuts for myself. I suck the salty coating off of one or two peanuts for Charlie every few days when I have a handful.
little bear has gastroenteritis and i figured out the reason; peanut butter!!!!!!!!!!! his all time favorite treat makes him violently ill, so watch the p.b. with your little person... some can take it, some can't (damn!!!) but still... we can do the p.b. kong stuffing without complications (yay).
well i havent found the exact info i was looking for about peanuts, but i did find some info saying that in general, peanuts are not toxic for dogs, however they are also not very healthy and can cause health problems in some dogs, some may be allergic to them, and in some it may cause bladder problems or throwing up. but its unique to the particular dog. Also, I found a website with a list of bad foods and products that dogscan get into, and if you scroll about 1/2 way down, there is a list of thing and it tells you whether or not to induce vomitting if you dog eats them.

Gizmo has a taste for chocolate, and although we always leave it out of reach, or behind tightly closed doors, there was an incident last year a few days before christmas where he gave us quite a scare.... he managed to push open a bedroom door, jump on a very high bed, and eat a big box of lindt chocolates that we bought for xmas gifts. very shortly after, he started vomiting and drinking as much water as he possible could, we rushed him to the 24 hr animal hospital where they induced more vomitting with charcoal and kept him overnight for observation with an iv. he ate a lot of chocolate, but thank GOD it was mostly milk chocolate and white chocolate. It seems like common sense but a lot of people dont know, that although all chocolate is bad for dogs, different types of chocolate are worse than others. White chocolate is the least harmful, then milk, then dark, then semi sweet then bitter bakers chocolate. this website lists the amounts per pound that are toxic.... http://www.talktothevet.com/ARTICLES/DOGS/chocolatetoxic.HTM

1 oz per 1 pound of body weight for milk, 1 oz per 3 pounds for semisweet, and 1 oz per 9 pounds for bakers.

if your dog eats 1 m&m, it likely wont cause any sort of problems, but dont make a habit of it
Roxi gets a big ol pig ear about once a week :) Besides that she has her large bones to chew one..

As for treat treats.. we have a bag of little kibble trainer treats for training time that chris's parents gave us that's 100% natural... then we have the beef log for dogs lol you have to keep it refridgerated and cut it into the bits you want (it really looks like a suasage log).. Im scare chris will try and fry it up somday >_<

then we have peanut butter for her kong to eithe just slab it in or freeze in there.. the beef jerky chews... the boom sticks hehehe

umm and as for human food she'll get cheese bits every now and then.. nuts sometimes... if I fry or boil eggs I always make one for her.. but I wont do it unless Im making one for myself :)

pasta.. if we're making big pasta we put aside some cooked (unsauced) bits to stuff in her kong after they've sat in the fridge to cool down. .

icecubes... she loves those.. mmm! I don't think there has been any veggie she doesn't like....
except onion.. which was an accident that fell off the counter lol. speedy little nose she has! That one quickly was spit out and I got the "Are you trying to kill me?!" look.

oh and little meat bits here and there..

All of this is of course over long periods of time and not in a whole week. Just stuff since we've had her. We were planning on not giving her human food until she was a lot older but that got broken by family members who didn't listen to us :/
What about cheese? I have seen a recipe for homemade "Cheesy dog biscuits" and was wondering about whether dogs could be lactose intolerant. What would be your serving suggestion?
Okay, so I did some research on this and my question is answered. The recipe is at

What I found out is to use it sparingly, like one treat a week or something like that.


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