So today me and my dog were lying around the house as usual and I noticed that his paw looks like it has a tear in it, or a scratch. Should I be concerned? He doesn't seem to be acting strangely, though mostly this morning he's just been acting lazy. 


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Here is another recent discussion about a crack in the pad.  Good luck!!


no need to be concerned. Franklin gets those all the time. Only reason to be concerned is if he is licking it a lot or limping or bleeding. You can put various moisturizers on the paw pads to keep them from splitting, although I don't and have never had a problem yet. They usually just go away on their own.

This is really common. Dogs get callused paws just like use.

It won't peel off or anything, and it will most likely just heal up and be smooth again.

Walks are good to make it more normal looking, like pumus stones for us.


Hope this helped!...

Check out this and the 2 adjacent photos.  Spectacular dime-sized pad rip, rips on both front main pads while playing soccer on wet pavement (but they do this all the time with no trouble, so the true cause may have been something else).   Al started limping abruptly and obviously.  No limp by next day and healed almost invisibly within a week.

My mom's dog had the same thing. Chris West linked to that convo. Hope that helps.
how did the pad of the paw crack?
Usually dog paws get calluses on them to prevent that cracking. You're corgi will know what to do to heal them. He'll start licking them and eventually the dead skin will come off. Then the healed skin will replace it.


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