Well we've been wanting to get another dog for months, and we keep looking for a corgi breeder in PA but the only when I ever find (other than my fiance's dad) is EZ Brook and it's a bit of a drive for us. (I'm talking 5 hours, most of it being turnpike driving, and we'd want Moose to meet the other "puppies" first to find out which one HE likes best and I don't think pulling over on the turnpike to let our dog pee constitutes an emergency pullover) My fiance loves Beagles and I love Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, but I'm not sure of how they get along with corgis. We are trying to stick to the medium breeds like Corgis because we live in an apartment and while it's big, it's not big enough for a big dog. We would love to own a Cardigan also (like a blue merle, we both love them) but I can't find a single Cardigan breeder at all in PA. We aren't getting married til october 2012 and we plan on having a "Dog friendly" honeymoon so they can go with us, and we've already lived in this apartment for a year and plan on staying for atleast one more. Its 2 br and the spare room we just use for storage purposes.

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It all really depends on the dog, but my old dachshund/Corgi mix who was particularly bossy got along swimmingly with our lab and my brother's beagles. As long as you feed them separately, she got along with those beagle chow hounds.

One of Dewi's littermates has a Cavalier KCS sister and they love each other.  Cavaliers are known for wonderful temperaments in general.  Just do your research to make sure the new dog would also be a good match for you and your lifestyle (not just for Moose). 


BTW, my boys have never met a dog they don't like; however, not all dogs have liked them back.  In obedience class, there always seems to be "chemistry" between the boys and the larger dogs (interestingly).  They have befriended Dobermans, Newfoundlands, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Bassetts and a plethera of mixed breeds.  Like other posters have stated, it greatly depends on individual temperaments.

one thing to think about with a Cavalier is something like 90% of them have a congenital heart problem that will result in HIGH HIGH vet bills (in addition to the 2000 it will probably cost you to get the dog). However, they are very sweet. My corgi gets along with almost every breed, his favorite being labs. HOWEVER I will provide you with a list like Sam did of breeds he hasn't been able to get along with:

Husky- EVERY husky he has ever met as gone into attack mode with him, they treat him like prey and no matter the husky he has not been able to get along with them

Hyper Pitbull- he gets along great with more mellow pits, but the hyper ones tend to ues their paws a lot on play and result in a pancake corgi....a bit too rough for my little guy

Bulldogs- English mostly, they get too rough and pushy with Franklin too.


he's played with tons of dogs and gets along with most of them. Also something to consider, many breeders won't allow you to bring your dog and let it play with all of the puppies. Usually you have to choose a pup and once you do your dog can meet it. If they do allow your dog to run around and play with ALL of the puppies I would be a bit worried. Your dog is vaccinated, but other people may not be so responsible and who knows what kind of diseases an adult dog will possibly bring into a litter of unvaccinated pups. My breeder won't allow other people to even hold or play with a puppy once it has been spoken for to reduce the risk of disease.



Thanks everyone for the advice. I read the posts to my fiance just now and My friend brought her dog over once (A little itty bitty fuzzy thing, i think it was a pomeranian) and he didn't like it when it tried to eat his food, but other than that he tried to play with it. As far as finances go, My fiance just started a new job so we're probably not going to get another dog til April, but we're just exploring our options right now. We put approximately $100-$200 in the savings account every month (Just for emergency use, not wedding use).

I have to say dito to all three of those breeds Melissa mentioned . Carly goes to the dog park everyweek and every time this husky , whos 7 or 8 months tries to play with her she gets all angry, trying to nip and bite and then it escalates... so we have to keep them apart.  the pits, well if they play to hard she runs off..thankfully she doesnt try an spar with them! she thinks she is a big dog and it scares me! Then the bull dogs, as in english, they dont like Carly at all  ...that is about the only ones we have a problem with...


Are you near Reading, PA (Berks County).  I got Baron from a breeder in Reading.  I also know of a breeder in the Collegville area.
Nope, that's still about 5 hours :(


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