This is Buddy.  He is my grandson's corgi and has just lost his leg to cancer.  Even with treatment we can only expect him to live another year or two.  Fortunately Buddy doesn't know this and is happily chasing balls and sticks.  Then there is his passion.  SQUIRRELS!  We were wondering if there any other corgis fighting the same battle.

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Algy had lymphoma and died of the many tumors that took over his internal organs.  The most you can do is hope for him, and treat him with lots of love and make him happy.  That's all they want out of life - is to be happy and be with you, and of course, maybe some treats.  All of our best, and lots of love to Buddy!  He is sweet, and he is loved. 
Buddy is indeed very loved. He has made it to the one week mark following round 1 of chemo. We did give him Metronidazole & Ondansetron for side affect prevention and he did fantastic! In two weeks we will do round 2 of chemo and they plan to increase the dosage each time he tolerates it to maximize the possibility for a cure. We know the "odds" say this is a hard dancer to overcome but we also are praying and hoping that our Buddy will be part of that small group that makes up the positive side of this equation. We will keep you posted. Now, I need to go convince Buddy to come inside because that squirrel is NOT going to climb down from the tree to play chase ;-)
Cyndy is Buddy's human mom and  a great daughter-in-law.  Cyndy Please post some pictures of Buddy and Maggie tool
We will follow your instructions to the letter. Hugs to you all
Ok, first things first - the vet obviously forgot to tell Buddy that he has cancer and... Oh yeah , I think
Buddy missed the news that he's minus a front leg. How does a 3-legged Corgi dig a 1 foot deep hole in 15 minutes with only one front leg? I give up, but Buddy did just that this morning when I dragged his Corgi sister Maggie in to get a "paw wash" after she dug her own hole. Thought I'd try to carry in one muddy-pawed critter at a time, thought Buddy would continue staring at the wooden fence waiting for a squirrel to scamper by. I almost feel sorry for that poor mole whose lovely tunnel was destroyed by our dogs. Good news is Buddy's CBC from 10 days post-chemo came back "fantastic" according to the vet. She said that apparently Buddy missed the memo that he should act and appear ill. Round 2 of chemo next week- ready to get on with it and wait for our corgi to kick the "odds" outa' here!
Thanks for the good news.  Apparently hole digging is one of those fine skills that are passed down genetically.  Way to go Buddy and Maggie.
That's great news!  Glad to hear he's happy and spunky.
Thanks Josh! 

Well, round 2 of chemo is DONE :-) Vet told us Buddy's blood work is better than what they see in a normal, healthy dog sometimes !!!! Yay. The oncology vet increased dosage of Carboplatin since he tolerated the first round with no problems at all. Round 3 is scheduled for Feb. 17th and I am actually most afraid of that appointment . They will take a new chest x-ray to look for metastasis of his cancer. I have cried when we diagnosed, cried even more when we had to amputate his leg... But nothing scares me more than what that x-ray could show. The good news is though, Buddy is running, eating, chasing balls and squirrels and even the occasional fat, slow house cat when she drinks put of his water bowl. His med report from today reads : "Buddy is currently doing doing great and has an outstanding energy level, appetite and attitude. He had NO problems after his first dose of chemo!" We are going to keep remembering this in the coming days. The best news that we received is that Buddy will most likely be a study patient for use of an oral human med ( can't recall name, called vet and waiting for call back ) after chemo is completed. It is known to shrink bone and lung tumors in dogs. The vet proposed that if Buddy has not developed lung mets and we give him this drug he may be able to actually NOT develop mets! She even went so far as to say she hopes to prove that the current low survival rate of osteosarcoma in dogs might just be OBSOLETE data if we bring a new med on board for more animals with this type of bone cancer!!!

It breaks my heart to hear these stories. Petey is the first pet I've had other than a cat since I was 16. Now at 57 I can't imagine being without my beautiful 10-year old boy. He has the same leg stiffness, feet problems and other challenges other corgis seem to develop but he's also so happy, loyal and loving. He got his dad through a severely emotional and unwanted divorce, his mom abandoning both of us as if we were non-paying renters instead of loving family members. Petey went with me and saved his dad from that terrible disaster, now never leaving my side since losing half of his family. The corgi is the most beautiful creature ever made and I am beyond grateful to have mine. I feel so badly for those of you that have either lost one or are enduring the decline of yours. I can't imagine losing my boy, my only child. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and feelings.


Douglas Preston and Petey

Douglas, your post made me cry, it was so heartfelt. Thank you so much for sharing.

Douglas- be happy with us! We all have a corgi who loves us ;-)


Good news, we are at day 5 post chemo round 2....and Buddy is doing great. I guess in addition to 3-legged corgis not having human "body image" issues, they can't read either. Buddy obviously has not read that he is supposed to feel lousy yet! He is acting like a normal perpetual adolescent...running, digging, sniffin' and chasing anything that will run from him. Hopefully the chest xray in a couple of weeks will still be clear...


Only "side effect" of chemo seems to be massive shedding (yes, even by corgi standards- I mean massive). Thank God for the Furminator!!! The Oncology vet says that can happen- he will most likely shed  undercoat but will most likely maintain normal appearance. Haven't seen eyelashes or wiskers fall out. He has lost a couple of pounds but that is partially attributed to the limb loss. He was doing that corgi wimper last night in the worst way- he really wanted a tortilla chip. No, I didn't cave in ... well, not too bad, I only gave him part of a chip. His appetite is good, and he still is the best vaccume cleaner I have ever had!

Douglas,  I agree with Cyndy.  Be happy.  Just think how less our lives would be if we had never experienced "Corgi love".  There is nothing like it.  And just think there is a never ending supply.  We are lucky.


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