My 7 month old is so afraid of those plastic grocery bags you get at the store!!! Every time she sees or hears one she takes off runnuing with her ears back!!! She also hates her plastic food /water dish. I had to replace it with a porcelin one but I still have to put that on a rug or in the living room or she wont eat. Its weird and I dont understand it! Does anyone else have a corgi that does this?

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Both of mine are sometimes afraid of the noise the bags make. I use the to pick up their poo on walks so I guess they aren't afraid then but if it's in the house it's a different story. Daisy is afraid of laudry being folded. She used to run upstairs and hide under the bed when I was folding laundry and I would go and drag her back downstairs and make her stay down there. She would curl up in the corner looking out of the corner of her eye at what I was doing. Eventually she got more comfortable around clothes but still doesn't want them to touch her or get near her. At least she doesn't run away anymore. They're both TERRIFIED over my big white exercize ball.
River is also scared to death of plastic bags, although this has been a fairly recent development. They never used to bother her. I'm guessing one fell over one day and it startled her, and with as intelligent as Corgis are I'm sure she'll never forget being 'attacked' by one. Judging from all the replies here, it looks like a pretty common fear!
plastic bags and the vacuum.. oh and boxes... and the microwave... and the oven... and everything else we jokingly put her in as a puppy and took pictures to freak my mom out with :) I'm still looking for the sad one we have of her with "Pupy 4 Sayl" in black marker on the side ROFL.

she mostly hates boxes though lol.. When I get a new thing in the mail I'll open it up and she gets all excited cuz everything in the mail is for her apparently... but once its empty and I go "Ok Roxi HUP!" she runs for the hills with her ears down.
Yes Lance does not like the sound of plastic grogercy or garbage bags. Although he is ok with the sound of his doggie bag when we are going for a walk! The minute I go and get a bag for pick up duty he is all excited and knows we are going on a walk!!


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