So I was just looking for some advice or thoughts on my lil' Butters.  She had her spay exactly two weeks ago.  We did our very "best" to keep her calm until her stitches came out.  All of us know that with corgis this is no easy feat.  Well all went well, and she she got her stiches out on Monday.  Well just today I picked her up and felt a hard lump where her stitches were.  It concerned me so I called the vet right away and they told me it most likely was just where her sutures were underneath.  I guess I'm just still a little worried seeing as she is my child. Lol.  Anybody else have this issue? Thanks guys! :)

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ok, i can't speak from corgi experience, as one of my corgi's hasn't been spayed yet. but i can speak from the stand point of a human who has had 12+ surgeries.

i agree that it sounds right as this has happened to me. last year in june, they cut me open at 4 places, 2 on my spine & 1 on each hip. well everything healed well except one hip that had a hard knot. it was a undissolved stitch. it happens sometimes. it went away with time & hasn't been a problem since.

i hope i could comfort u a little but i doubt i helped

good luck & much love to ur corgi baby

YES, you're not alone. I went through this exact same thing a month ago when Ein got spayed. I took her in to vet and the technician looked at her in the lobby and said that it was perfectly normal. Like your vet, he said that it was the other layers of sutures and that they may have gotten irritated and swollen a bit. He said a damp warm compress on the area 3 times a day will help, and it did. I can still feel a tiny hard lump there, but that might be scar tissue now. I would only start to worry if it becomes sensitive to the touch and/or starts oozing. Those are signs of infection.



Not only is it normal, it can also happen in neuter incisions on males.  My Jon Farleigh also has a very small one from his neuter a month ago.  Vet said it might scar up, but as long as there was no discharge, not to worry.

The same thing happened to me, after Rosie was spayed I noticed a lump under her incision. I took her to the vet and he said the same thing your vet said, that it was the sutures underneath. I noticed the lump on a Saturday and had to wait until Monday to contact the vet,  I would never want to relive that weekend. =)


It is just where the sutures are underneath. The lump will always be there.  It forms a scar that you can feel. Nothing to worry about at all! :)
Thanks everyone!  Phew.  Makes me feel a lot better about my little gal.  I did try the warm compress but she looked at me like "Mom, you KNOW I'm gonna need to attack that now". Lol.


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