I ordered Heartguard Plus online last week, and when it arrived I found I had instead paid for the generic brand "HeartZ". Has anyone heard anything about HeartZ or used it for their dogs? I believe it is a European product. I want some feedback before giving it to my pups!

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Comment by JW on April 16, 2008 at 6:52pm
Thank you all SO much for your replies! I have decided to return the HeartZ and get my babies Heartguard Plus afterall. I'm generally not opposed to generic brands, but the complete lack of information (good or bad) about HeartZ is what really put me off. Thanks again!!!!
Comment by Christine Glossman on April 11, 2008 at 5:39am
I Googled the brand name and found this web site which gives alot of information ,www.heartwormcentral.com- I live in France and haven't seen it here . I hope this helps.
Comment by darlene on April 10, 2008 at 11:02pm
I've never heard of it....I give Max Advantage Mult . My vet has better prices than what I've seen online. Check with you vet !!!!
Comment by Charlie on April 10, 2008 at 8:44pm
There are a few over-the-counter items I'm ok with. Heartworm medication is not one of them. If your veterinarian prescribed and you ordered Heartguard Plus, then I would send the HeartZ back for an exchange.

My vet matches the best online price I can find. All I have to do is print a page with the product and competitors price and they match it. Never hurts to ask your vet for a better price! : - )
Comment by Florence Fong on April 10, 2008 at 8:33pm
I have never heard of Heartz. I give my Ritz Heartguard Plus since he was 5 months old. It's safer to check with your local vet before feeding your pup.
Comment by Lindsay on April 10, 2008 at 5:45pm
I've never heard of it. Just an added caution - be careful when ordering from online pet pharmacies. Most of the time they get their heartworm medications from someone other than the manufacturer. Because they're a 3rd party distributor, the guarantee no longer is applicable. I've even heard horror stories of people claiming to have worked for places like that and their job was to place stickers with new expiration dates over the one on the box! Personally I would call the place you got it from and make them exchange it, especially because if something happens you don't have the guarantee to fall back on!

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