Enzo ran through a dandelion puff and came out with and extremely weepy eye (the left one). I asked the vet on the phone and she told me to flush it with saline solution and it was still half shut. Should I be concerned? Does he have allergies?

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Well, I just spent $50 on Tuesday at the vet for antibiotic eye drops for something similar. Monday Charlie got something in his eye (not sure what) and went from fine to completely shutting his right eye in less than 5 minutes. I rinsed his eye with sterile saline every couple hours and he seemed to improve throughout the day. Tuesday he seemed fine for half a day, then started squinting again, so I took him to the vet. They dropped dye into his eye and could not find anything in his eye or any scratch, but gave him antibiotic drops for a week. He was much better within a couple hours, but we are staying on the drops for a week.

If Enzo's eye gets better with the saline, then I wouldn't worry about it. If it gets worse, or does not improve by tomorrow, I'd take him into the vet for a look. Getting something in their eye can turn into a possible infection and get much worse from there, so you want to get treatment fairly quickly if it doesn't get better with the saline rinse.
I had this issue a while back. I don't know what happened, but I just bought some eye solution from the pet store, and dropped them in as often as the instructions allowed. It took a few days but that helped!


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