Just wondering??? Mine(Daisy), she will frist sleep on my bed then get off and sleep in the living room the come in my room to find out that she cant get on the bed cause shes too little so she will fall asleep right next to me...lol so were do yours sleep???

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Miles has just recently began to sleep with us. He usually sleeps under the desk or under the bed (his favorite place in the whole apartment). For awhile he would only sleep in the bed if only one of us was there. He would sleep with my boyfriend during the week when I'm at my house. He would hop in bed with me in the morning when Paul goes off to work. When he does this I usually spoon him and fall right back to sleep, this is how we nap too =). I guess he just needs his space to stretch those stubby legs haha. But now sometimes he'll sleep between us or squish me between them.
When we first got Rosie we let her sleep in her crate. We put her crate by our bed so that when she whined I could put my hand inside the crate to calm her. She has graduated to sleeping where ever I sleep. If I fall asleep on the couch watching TV she sleeps on the couch with me. She mostly sleeps under the covers between my husband and me. ( not so good on our love life sometimes)
Buckley used to sleep in his crate beside the bed ( I didn't trust him to roam the house at night!), but now that he's older (not so much wiser), he sleeps on a dog bed in the bedroom, or on the floor beside our bed. He would like nothing more than to sleep in the bed with us, however as Buckley is a headstrong little guy, we know that allowing that would be sending the wrong message to him and cause problems for us. He is not our equal so he will never sleep on the bed with us...no matter how much he wants too!
Oliver sleeps in bed with us. We really should upgrade from a queen to a king, because sometimes I find myself pushed to the edge!
Rory never seems to sleep. She just takes 5 minute naps and is energized for hours. When she does sleep, she sleeps up against the front of the sofa if that it where my boyfriend and I are sitting. If I'm in the bathroom getting ready she's laying in the hallway, against the wall watching me. if we make the slightest move she perks up. She must know what we're both doing at all times. She so high strung. She constantly seems to be on edge. Hopefully after she gets a little older that will get better. I think the only time she gets real sleep is when she's in her crate at night and the entire apartment is 100% quiet.

We have a love seat with a nice big blanket on it for her to sleep on. I hardly ever see her sleep on it, but my boyfriend says after I go to bed she's either on the sofa with him, where I normally sit, or on the love seat all stretched out. Nothing's cuter then when she sleeps anywhere with all fours up in the air. She used to do it ALL the time as a puppy, but not so much anymore.

I doubt we ever allow her to sleep with us in our bed. I'd never get any sleep. Like someone said earlier about their Corgi, if Rory's going to sleep or already sleeping, we can't touch her. She gets irritated and just moves away.

The only time she's on our bed is when I'm trying to wake my boyfriend up on the weekends. I put her on the bed with him and she licks him to death. If she falls asleep with him, so be it, but we don't let her sleep on there but for really short naps until he finally wakes up.

As I just spent this time typing my post, Rory crawled onto the love seat, rearranged the blanket a bit and curled up. She's out cold. Now I'm worried about moving. I hate waking her b/c I know how badly she needs this nap :(

I just got back from a roadtrip with my corgi girl, Tuck. I took her dog bed into the hotel room. Here's where she chose to sleep! (Guess I should have brought the crate in!)
Hahaha I love this picture! So cute
We used to let Sidney sleep in my daughter's bed, but after some potty issues (the puppy's that is!) we re-trained him to go to sleep in his crate. Our obedience trainer says letting them sleep in the human bed is not so good for establishing the whole "who's in charge" issue too. It seems to have made everyone feel happier and safer. He goes to crate with his sheepskin blankie and his stuffed bunny. It is so cute!
When we first got Lance he slept in his kennel as a puppy, then as he got older we thought the kennel was getting a bit too small because he was having issues with his back leg, it would stiffen up. When he got up he would limp because it was stiff. We then ended up gating an area in a bedroom entry for him. We put a gate in the doorway and then another gate at then end of the door where the wall ends. The space is as long as a bedroom door and definetly wider than the crate he was sleeping in. We thought he could stretch out and sleep if he wanted. Nope, he would curl up in the corner of the gated area! Lance wil fall asleep on the couches and when my husband and I are ready to go up to bed he is ready to go to bed! All we have to say is the word bed and he is awake and ready to go to his room....it is so cute! We say "in your room, and he goes right in his room and lays down, after of course checking to make sure the kids are ok, so cute.
I gate Roscoe in my kitchen downstairs. It's an L-shaped area that is tiled, and his crate is in there with him. He usually sleeps either on the tile in front of the door or in his crate. Ultimately I'd like to have his crate in my bedroom with me, but my allergist said I shouldn't have him in my bedroom at all.
Brody has slept in his crate since day one... never cried once during the night and he was only 10 weeks old when we got him. His crate is in a room off of the family room. At night when he hears the 10:00 news come on he goes to the door and waits for us to put him to bed. Or, if he feel asleep in the family room and it's time to go to bed, we'll just say... beddy-bye time and he's off to the crate, waiting for his milk bone.
Tucker can't wait for me to go to bed at night, he won't go in the bedroom until I do. (Hes affraid he will miss something) Once in the bedroom he somehow fits himself under the bed. To me it looks like a tight fit but he loves it under there. Our new baby Kirby has to sleep in his crate, I don't know what kind of trouble he might find in the middle of the night if he was left free.


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