I took Kirby to the groomer on Friday. This is my normal groomer and Kirby seems to like going there. She told me I should shave him down for the summer. I figured she meant just shave him a little bit. I agreed. When I cam to pick my baby up he wasnt the same dog. I hate to admit it but I cried! She shaved him down completely. I was so sad. I know it will feel better for him since summer is coming. But I couldnt help but feel sad that he wasnt my fluffy corgi anymore. Does anyone else shave their corgis down for the hot summers? You can view my page and see Kirbys before and after!

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Poor Kirby! I would have been really mad, too. The double coat actually helps protect Corgis from the heat, as well as the cold. You'll need to keep Kirby out of the sun until his coat comes back a bit. He can definitely overheat with no coat, and possibly sunburn.

I know a few members here shave their Corgis, but they are a breed that should not be trimmed. A good groomer should know that.
I am so sorry to hear that Niki :( Poor Kirby. Imagine having our heads completely shaved off, no sun screen on a blazing hot sunny day, yeah, it's kinda like that for our corgi too ... NAKED :( We live in Florida, hot and humid, very different from the dry heat in the west coast, we NEVER shave our corgis. It's kinda like in the middle east, rather than wearing short sleeve or go top less, you actually need to cover from head to toe, protect yourself with an insulation coat from the sun :)
OMG!!! This is horrible. Did she maybe make some kind of mistake, and try to cover it up with a complete shave??? I would get my money back. I don't blame you one bit for crying. You should let her supervisor know, so she doesn't do that to someone else. I know it will grow back, but even Kirby looks like he hates it!!
oh wow... i just saw the pictures and... wow! poor baby :/ I would have thought that she would have trimmed a little off, not all of it!!! luckily he's still adorable!
Poor baby! Maybe Kirby can wear his new "Low Rider" shirt so he doesn't get a sunburn! (He and Emmy are stars in the corgiclothes gallery now... as I am sure you have seen.) I would have cried too, but he is still adorable. :-)
Gee whiz, she gave him quite the buzz cut! He's not even the same color now... all his gorgeous black fur is gone. I guess at the very least, no permanent damage is done. Fur will grow back, it will just take some time. I have now idea if it would work, but I wonder if you could use sunscreen on his back to help protect him from possibly burning in the summer, at least on the part that you couldn't cover with a shirt.
OH I am so sad now! Did I do the wrong thing? Is he going to get sunburned. I am freaking out now. The groomer says she does it to her mother's Corgis..but I didnt know if she was saying that to make me feel better since I was crying. Kirby doesnt seem to mind it anymore. And for the most part I keep his shirt on. I feel like a bad Corgi mom. I didnt know that it was going to come out like that. She said she was going to trim him down. I think the pictures make him look bald, which he is not, but his hair underneath is a dark gray and white. I cant wait for it to grow out. She said about six months for it to return to the normal fluff :(
Please don't blame yourself Niki, we were all once first time corgi parents :) That's what this site is for, to unite corgi owners, give each other support. I have learnt so much from everyone here and really appreciate all the opinion. By the way, the low rider shirt really looks great on him!
aww thanks..I really love this site and value all the opinions and advice I get from it. Kirby loves his shirt and I think the the "Lowrider" is perfect for his style! LOL
You're not a bad corgi mom! You're a great corgi mom! The fact that you are so concerned about him is certainly a testament to that! Maybe you can call the Hair Club for Corgis and get him a corgi-toupee. :)

He's still so cute!
Thanks I am really trying to tell myself that its not my fault. The groomer told me it was good to trim them for summer. I will not take him there again! I googled and found some dog sunscreen spray online and I will use that on him while he is outside when Im at work. Other than that he wears his shirt so I hope that shields him. I sure wouldnt want him to get sunburnt! I feel like I took my kid to a hair dresser and he got a bad haricut! For the most part he is used to it..he still has his great personality so I would love him no matter what he looked like:)
It's not your fault. It's the groomer. A professional groomer should be familiar (or at least have a reference book) for the coat grooming requirements of every breed of dog. Grooming for a Corgi would be trimming nails, trimming the fur between the paw pads, maybe trimming a bit under the tail (for fluffies only), ear cleaning, teeth brushing, shampoo, rinse, blowdry and combout...no trimming of the coat. Totally the groomer's ignorance.

Of course you love him no matter what...and he is still a cutie. : - )


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