So I was skimming through one of my "stuff" magazines (one of many magazines I get in the mail that contain what my husband refers to as "junk" lol), when I saw an ad with a corgi in it!  So I went online to see if I could find it, and it looks like they used the corgi in lots of their photos.  Just thought that was pretty cool.  The magazine is Taylor Gifts.  I am not recommending these products or anything, I was just excited to see a corgi in a regular old magazine.  Here are some of the examples I found:

Here is the webpage:

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My mom was watching QVC and they were advertising couch covers that, frankly, looked AMAZING. They were showing examples of the products being used, and the show host went, "Oh! There's a corgi on the couch!!" and Mom and I started fawning over it-- this was before I had Waffle. Haha. ... A corgi was a very good dog to show with that product... the covers were meant to keep fur off the furniture! lol
We own that couch cover, hehe. The packaging had a corgi on it. It really does work well and washes nicely. We bought a nice corgi-colored beige :)
Dog hair... off the furniture?   With a corgi?    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Meanest-lookin' corgi I've ever seen...  (you can buy this poster on their website).
recently, the CB2, Crate & Barrel, and West Elm catalogs have included corgis!!


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