I would like to hear from members about how their Corgi fits into their professions. I (Joanna Mell) am a harpist and have a studio at the back of my home. It is my sanctuary. The floor is plywood with carpet on top; when I play the harp, all the vibrations go through the floor, and Ginger, my PWC, loves to lie stretched out on the floor to get a good massage. She is my companion and my inspiration. Just watching her antics during the day, I have written 13 tunes and songs for her and some of her canine friends. She is also the official greeter when my students come, and also the fur therapist. She has enhanced my life so much! I am very grateful to have her; we got her through Corgi Rescue.

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My Corgi, Rusty was my inspiration to start my website Corgidogworld. Unfortunately due to costs I don't have this site anymore but have my ebay store, www.personaliseddoggifts.com and my new site www.showdogtrophies.com. I just love seeing the pictures I use and the pictures that are sent to me by my customers. I have a computer full of dogs. Here is a story like yours. Jennifer of Sitting Boo Productions designed my ebay store. I asked her about the unusual name. She said she had a Bull Mastiff called Boo who had passed away and Boo used to sit at her feet while she was designing. I thought this was lovely.
We have a cow/calf operation and our Corgis are hard workers. They help bring cattle up the chute and help move or "herd" them. Sometimes they over zealous but it sure is in their blood! They are always trying to get us outside to do something in the form of barking that drives us nuts! They are very good and quiet when we tag calves because they learn (starting as pups) that cows get a little cranky with dogs around their babies!

My Corgis are my Staff.
I work in a home for the mentally disabled. We established a program that allows us to bring in our dogs as a therapy pets. We aren't required to actually certify them as therapy animals though. My PWC Reaghan loves to go to work with me. My clients are always very happy to see her, and have conquered many animal related fears by being able to have such a loving laid back dog to visit with them. She understands each of my clients, and acts accordingly to each of their needs, funtioning levels, and tolerance level. She makes a great unofficial therapy dog. The picture is of her at my work.
I'm an Office Manager for a small courier company in Nipomo.  My year and a half old Corgi (Fox) goes to work with me most mornings.  On the days when he is chosen to work "Security" at the office, he gets ecstatic when he sees me packing his lunch bag and reaching for the leash.  At work, he keeps watch on Everything that moves.(crows, hummingbirds, anyone that dares the walk on the street!)  ... from his perch on a side porch overlooking the cul-de-sac where the office is located.  On the days when I want him to stay home..... I tell him that instead of working security that day, he will be doing "Ranch Chores" with Daddy..... and that is incredibly exciting to him as well!
My Little Muffett comes to work with me every day. All my suppliers, mailmen, clients all know her and bring treats. She has a big pillow by the front door. She is not an aggressive dog at all, so she loves everyone. Even non-dog people feel safe around her. She also lets me know when it is time to go home. I tend to get really involved with my work and she will bark her little head off.

I am a co-owner with my sister of a embroidery and sewing shop. When our customers come in to our shop they are usually greeted by 4 of 6 corgis which sleep under my desk while I am working. They are very lucky dogs because we have over an acre of land fenced in between our commercial building and our home with doggie doors so they can go anywhere they want.

They get so excited when I tell them it is time to go to work. Unek Designs Embroidery & Sewing Shop would not be the same without a corgi in it. But Gwen which sleeps on my desk while I doing my artwork or chase the mouse on the screen. Xena her sister thinks she is suppose to sit in my chair leaving me with about 3 inches on the edge. Arianna is our door alarm when she starts barking we know someone came in the front door. Cali is our doorstop she lays against our storefront doors so the customers have to step over when the come in. Cory is 14 years old she is totally deaf and blind in one eye but she has been nicknamed speed-bump by all the employees because we are always tripping over her.Now we cannot forget Sarge causes nothing but chaos what can I say he is the only male.  Then to top all off we have a Dobbie/Shepard cross that tries to keep these little midgets under control until UPS comes  in than she loose her control as well because everyone knows that the biscuits are coming. There is no way that life is boring because one of them always manage to do something to make us laugh. Then once a month weather is good since Friday is our short day the employees can bring there dogs which has become the corgi attitude readjustment. Everyone says a couple of hours at work with the corgis is so exhausting for there dogs they go home and sleep for days. So everyone will have to know what think of this craziness but I'll tell you we love it. There are pics and video of all of them on my facebook page.Our website

Below I have added a video and 2 pics of two of corgis the one of Gwen is as usual using the computer on my desk



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