Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy Geddes Oct 25, 2012. 14 Replies 4 Likes
Last weekend we had a huge fire go through this ranch and burned up most of our pasture. 3000 acres saved out of 14,000. Saved the homes, hay stacks, equipment and most of our livestock. When the…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathy Wiley Dec 9, 2011. 76 Replies 23 Likes Just click on the Corgi piece, it is AWESOMEContinue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Bev Levy Apr 9, 2011. 2 Replies 0 Likes
We had a litter of Corgi pups born in our home just this last Dec. We sold one of the pups to neighbors close by. They call her Mattie Jo. Well, about 4 weeks ago Mattie Jo's dad came to visit us…Continue
Posted on May 30, 2013 at 11:38am 32 Comments 0 Likes
Our Joey crossed the Rainbow Bridge in the middle of the night last night and we don't know why. Our hearts are so broken :(
Posted on February 21, 2010 at 2:08pm 2 Comments 1 Like
I have a neat story behind my avatar. I use soaker hoses in our garden so in the fall when the garden is done I roll them up and store them for the winter. I rolled some up and left them in the yard for me to pick them up later. I looked out the window and there was Joey, sitting inside the coil. I thought "how cute!" and ran to get the camera and when I got back I watched Katie join him in the loop. One of my best pics's slightly fuzzy because I took the pic through the screen and…
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Hi Kathy. . .I see you got the corgi icon working. . .did you ever try to change the background?
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. . . . .
How are you doing? Just thinking of you and the's so dry here we have burning bans and at least the fields are now down as we were surrounded by corn...hope things are getting back to normal...a little.
I hope your Birthday is a good one in spite of the fires!
Is that some kind of special pommel on Mandy's saddle? It looks like Bevy's hindfeet are in sort of a cup while Mandy's holding her. No clue, I'm just a city boy.
A more serious question: how do your dogs handle the summer heat? Doesn't look like much shade out there. There's isn't much shade out here, either, above timberline, and the dogs just wilt in the summer sun (lucky we get only 2 months of it). Those black backs get hot! I often find some mountain snow and pack them into a pupsicle. I bought this ridiculous "ChillyBuddy" cooling vest, haven't tried it yet:
Is heat a big issue for you, our do your dogs just get used to it and deal with it?
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